Detention - Wilhelm's POV

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"Crown Prince Wilhelm, just because you are the prince doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want." The headmistress reminded me.
I sighed. "I'm so sorry, ma'am."
I had been caught skipping class. My mother would probably hear about this and give me another talking to. That was the worst part.
She handed me a pink slip of paper. "Detention, today." The headmistress walked out of my room.
"Damn it."
I looked at the pink slip and saw to go to room 206 at 4:00 pm. I might as well go because my mom would not be happy with me if I didn't. I need to keep my responsibilities.
I began to head towards the room around 3:50 pm. It's better to be early then anything else. When I reached the room, I knocked on the side of the open door. It was now 3:58 pm and I sat down in an open seat. There were a few faces I knew like Henry but, not many people I knew were there. Probably from other houses.
I began to draw on a piece of paper, I wasn't even sure what we were supposed to be doing.
"I am so sorry for being late, ma'am!"
I hear someone's feet shuffle into the room, I looked up at the noise.
We were both confused at each other's presence.
"Simon, this is the reason you are in detention in the first place. You're always late." The teacher pulled his attention away from me.
He smiled at the teacher. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
"Please take a seat."
Simon walked over towards me and sat down in the chair next to me. "Why the hell are you here?" Simon whispered in my direction.
"I would ask you the same thing but, I guess I already know from the teacher." I giggled to myself.
He rolled his eyes. "Why though?" He asked again.
I sighed. "I skipped class... again.."
"You're dumb."
"You did the same thing! Just actually went back to your class." I continued to doodle on my paper.
He stared at my drawings. "You know we're supposed to be writing an essay.."
"How would you know? Have you been in here or something?" I joked, a little too loud.
"Simon and Wilhelm, quiet down!" The teacher yelled towards us.
We both giggled. "Maybe, I've been in here before." Simon admitted.
I faked being shocked. "Oh my god, Simme!" We both tried to hold in our laughs, failing miserably.
"Simon, go sit next to Henry this instant!"
"Oh shit." He whispered before packing up his things and moving desks.
I chuckled to myself, still drawing on my slip of paper.

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