Runaway Part 3 - Wilhelm's POV

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'Crown Prince Wilhelm of Sweden has gone missing from the country! Nobody has spotted him since the disappearance.'
I ripped down the flyer. Simon and I were walking through London, sightseeing. We strolled across a bridge, soon seeing Big Ben. It's been 2 days since I left.
"Do you think anyone will find you?" Simon asked me, clearly worried.
I shrugged. "Probably but, they can't get me unless they fly here or I pick up the phone."
My phone began to ring directly after I spoke and I looked to see who it was.
Speak of the devil.
I let it ring. "I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that was your mom..?" He looked back at me after looking at my now empty hand.
I nodded. "Wow, you're learning." We giggled.
At that point, I had let my phone ring about 6 times a day. We continued walking until we met the Big Ben.
"It's so much taller than I thought it would be." Simon looked up at the top.
I looked to the right. "Hey, isn't that your internet friends?" I pointed towards two boys, one with blond hair and the other was a brunette.
Simon gasped. "Nick and Charlie!" He ran over to them.
I jogged after him, meeting the two boys he was running to.
"Simon?!" They both looked astonished.
The boys hugged Simon and I smiled at them. "We saw that Wilhelm went missing but, we didn't think you two would be here!" The curly haired one spoke.
I still wasn't 100% about their names. So I just nodded and smiled, acting like I knew.
"Yeah, we came here to get a break from the chaotic prince life." Simon chuckled.
The blond spoke up. "Well, do you guys want to get lunch with us? We won't tell anyone you're here." He reassured me.
I confirmed in their direction.
"I can't believe I'm actually with you guys!" Simon began to walk with them.
The two British boys held hands so, I guessed that they were a couple. Simon came back and grabbed my hand, then placing us next to them while we walked to a restaurant. All four of us crowded into a booth, Simon and I sitting together while Nick and Charlie sat on the opposite side.
We ended up talking about everyone and everything. I felt comfortable with them which was not expected. I've always had trouble making real friends, this was nice.
"So, Wille, tell us the story of you and Simon's first kiss." Nick said, making Charlie giggled.
I flushed red. "It's embarrassing as hell so, no."
"I guess I'll have to tell it then!" Simon giggled, beginning to tell the story from us holding hands to the kiss.
"Oh my god. Wille was in his denial stage!" Charlie remarked when Simon finished the story.
Nick looked over towards me. "I've been through it too."
The whole table burst into laughter.

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