The Book - Wilhelm's POV

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I pushed the doors of my local library open. I'd only ever been here for charity events and other royal related things. I was excited to finally be here with no responsibility on my shoulders. I've always loved to read and wanted to check out some books for myself.

Simon works at this library and I wanted to surprise him. I began to walk through the shelves, looking for Simon. I finally spotted him in a corner, placing books on the shelf.

"Hey, can you help me find a book?" I asked in his direction.

"Yeah, what's the title?" He placed another book on the shelf, not turning.

I paused. "It's called, I Love You."

He began to turn around. "Hmm, I've never heard-"

"Hey, Simon."

"I thought you were busy today!" He sounded confused, "and where's Malin?"

I chuckled. "She's in the car. I asked her if I could go in alone and she said it was okay so..."

Simon giggled. "Wanna help put away books?"

I nodded, picking up a book from the cart. I already knew the layout of the library from having to find school books. The book was by Alice Oseman titled, "Radio Silence". I smiled at the sight of it in my hands.

"I love that book." Simon looked up at me from the bottom shelf.

I glanced at him before going back to the book. "I've actually been thinking about reading it."

That was a complete lie. I'd only ever seen this book once and that one time was now.

"You should read it then! I think you'd like it. Keep it with you and I'll check it out for you when we're done." He placed another book on the shelf.

I kept the book in my left hand and began to put other books away with my other hand.

"Remember this book?" Simon held up a skinny book with a white cover.

I got a feeling just from the sight of the book. "Kris..."

"Yeah, this book basically fixed our entire relationship." He chuckled.

I nodded. "I guess it did."


The cart was now empty and Simon's shift was over. He had checked the book out for me even though I didn't even know what it was about. Something to do with a podcast or whatever. We got back in the car and Malin took us back to the castle, just for us to pass out on my bed the second we arrived.

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