My Fishes - Simon's POV

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Wille and I walked through the laundry room into my room. "Is it just me or did I just get insane deja vu?" Wille and I made eye contact.
He giggled. "I did too." Then, Wilhelm walked over and placed a kiss on my lips.
"The fish!" He spotted them in the corner of my room.
Wille walked over towards the tank and began to list off their names under his breath. "Felle... Oski... and Olle."
I chuckled. "You still remember?" He looked up at me.
"Yeah, of course. You know how much that night meant to me. I played it over and over in my head when we broke up." He came back over towards me.
I sighed. "I just made up those names on the spot. They weren't named before then." A giggled erupted from me.
Wille began to laugh along. "Wait seriously?" He placed both his hands on either side of my face. "You named them just for me?"
"Yeah. I mean what did you want me to say? 'They don't have names.'?! That would sound so depressing!" We began to burst out laughing, my face still in his hands.
Soon after, his forehead met mine and we looked into each others eyes, silence taking over the room. Our lips met, disconnected, then met again after smiling at each other. I placed my hand behind Wilhelm's head, lightly pulling on his hair. We pulled apart, talking off our shirts immediately.
"You sure you wanna traumatize your fishes again?" Wille chuckled.
"Shut up."

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