Happy Birthday, Simon Part 2 - Simon's POV

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Wille and I laid on the couch. We were in each others arms, just adoring each other's touch. Everyone from earlier had left, Sara and Felice headed back to Hillerska for school the next day. Rosh and Ayub also went home so, we were the only ones in the house other than Linda. Heartstopper was playing on the television and everything else was silent. I felt Wilhelm's chest go up and down with his breaths as I rested my head on him. Suddenly, I heard faint snores coming from below me. Looking up at Wille's face, he was fast asleep.
"Wille." I whispered.
He moved a tiny bit, not waking.
I touched his face. "Wille."
He awoke. "What?" He said in a groany morning voice.
"Come on, we are going to my room." I got up from the couch.
He sighed. "But, I'm comfy." Wille turned to face the back couch cushion, now on his side.
"Wilhelm, it's my birthday. Please." I begged.
He started to get up. "Okay, anything for you, my dear Simon."
"Mhm, you're definitely sleep-deprived. When's the last time you slept?"
He giggled. "I don't know." We began to walk towards my room.
"Okay. We're going to sleep now." I opened the door to my room.
He collapsed onto my bed, making me chuckle. "I call little spoon this time!" Wilhelm curled up into a little ball.
"Okay, okay." I got in bed behind him.
Our hands brushed against each others. Wille grabbed my hand and held it.
"Good night, Wille." I murmured into his ear.
He mumbled back to me. "Nighty, night."
I flicked off the lights.

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