The World Went Quiet - Wilhelm's POV

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"Your Honor."
"It is Mr. Årnäs' turn to defend himself, Mr. Eriksson." The judge defended.
I was sitting in the crowd of a court room. This court room was where I would figure out how fucked up my love life would turn.
"Mr. Årnäs, you may speak."
This was so stupid. August should just go to jail for filming the video. We have all the proof that's against him.
"Well, Your Honor, I would like to say that my phone was stolen by Alexander Bragé that winter night. He was heading back from a party, that I was at, and was trying to find a way to get inside Hillerska." August paused to take a breath. "I had left my phone at that party and he had grabbed it. Alexander was going window to window trying to find someone to let him in when he came across Simon and Wilhelm." He pointed towards us.
Bullshit. Complete Bullshit.
"Also, everyone knows that Alexander was carrying drugs with him at the time. I found this left over from the party." August pulled a pill bottle out of his pocket.
He pointed at the label of the bottle. "Micke Eriksson. We can all guess where this came from." August looked over at Simon.
"Okay, Mr. Årnäs. Can we have Mr. Eriksson speak now?" The judge asked in August's direction.
He nodded. "Of course, Your Honor."
"Mr. Eriksson, did you sell these drugs to anybody at the school?"
"Well, yes I did. It was because I felt pressured to and everyone was asking me for them. So, I stole them from my father, Micke Eriksson." Simon told the complete truth.
I couldn't believe this. August was completely lying while Simon was telling the full truth.
The judge nodded. "Mhm. So, you know that's an offense that gets you in prison for 4 years, correct, Mr. Eriksson?"
"Yes, Your Honor." Simon looked down at his shoes.
The judge sat up in his chair and looked over at the officers nearby. "I'm sorry, Mr. Eriksson but, you have been sentenced to 4 years in prison."
Suddenly, everything faded away. The world going quiet. 4 years? I couldn't survive that long without Simon.
Simon turned around to look at me, a tear rolling down his face. "I love you, Wille."
"Simon." I stood up.
The officers took Simon's arms and forced them to be held behind himself.
"You can visit me." He reassured me.
I choked on my words. "Simon, that's not the same." I ran over to where he was standing.
August stared us down.
"Goodbye, Wille." Simon smiled at me as he was dragged out of the room by the officers.
The doors closed and I ran up to them, banging my fists onto them. Sobs erupted from my eyes. I fell onto my knees, sitting down next to the door.
"August, you fucking dick!" I screamed, my back to the door and my front facing August.
He kept a still expression. "I did what had to be done. You can't make up lies about me and expect nothing to happen."
The judge hit his gavel to the plate. "Order in the court!"
I got back onto my feet and stomped over to August. "We weren't lying, you bitch." I stood directly next to him.
"Wilhelm, I think you're going insane." He smirked at me.
I couldn't control it. The next second, my arm was swinging into his face. August's nose began to bleed as I stood there, blood on my fist.
"Officers!" The judge yelled.
Soon, I was being dragged away by two police officers. They began putting handcuffs around my wrists and suddenly I felt weak.
"Fuck you, August. Fuck you." I repeated, starting at a yell then getting quieter each time.
I was dragged out of the doors across the room from the ones Simon was taken out of.
And once again, the world was quiet.

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