Stormy Night - Wilhelm's POV

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Boom! Crash!
It was late and Simon was laying on me as we watched Mean Girls.
Well, tried to watch Mean Girls.
The thunderstorm was breaking up the television and distracting Simon. I wrapped my arms around his chest, trying to comfort him.
"Wille..." He whispered.
I tightened my grip. "Yeah?"
He sighed. "Can we turn the movie off and just cuddle?"
I nodded against his curls. "Of course."
One of my hands lifted to his hair to play with it and the other flicked the television off with the remote. Simon flipped over and pushed his face into my chest. I felt his breathing quicken a bit as I continued to play with his curls.
"Shhh.. It's okay, my love. It's okay."
He shook in my arms at every boom, every bright light. I kissed him on top of the head.
"Thank you." Simon looked up at me before placing his head back into its original place.
I smiled. "Anything for you."
He looked up and smiled, placing a kiss on my lips shortly after. Simon wrapped his arms around me, tightly. I shivered at the touch.
I'd always been a huge lover of physical touch. It's my love language.
"I love you." Simme said, breathily.
I grinned to myself. "I love you even more."
My hand stayed on his curls and I watched as my chest bobbed his head up and down from my breathing.
Soon, I heard little snores erupt from Simon. A little love can fix any fear, I guess.

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