Runaway Part 1 - Wilhelm's POV

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idea from women_069
"I need to get out of here..."
I sat in the corner of my messy room inside of the castle. My mother had gone off on me again, yelling while watching my tears. I've been sobbing since those moments an hour ago. I felt empty. I just needed one person.
I got up from the corner and threw on a sweatshirt before climbing out of the window. I dropped down onto the ground from my window that sat a few feet above it.
I breathed in. "Freedom."
I wiped the dried tears off of my face and went around the corner to the garage. I had recently gotten my driver's license and was going to use it for my own benefit. I slipped into the front seat and gripped the wheel. After taking a deep breath, I put the car into drive and headed in the correct direction.
I pulled into the driveway of Simon's
duplex and placed the car into park. I quickly took off my seatbelt, worried someone might see me and tell the press. I jogged over to the door. The window showed that the kitchen lights were off but, Simon's were on. I shuttered and slowly moved my hand to the doorbell.
This isn't a time to be slow, Wille.
I rang the doorbell. Soon, Linda answers. She's in her pajamas.
"Wilhelm? What are you doing here? Come in." She let me into the house.
I walked inside and sat at the kitchen table.
"Who's here, Mama?" Simon asked Linda but, I didn't understand him since he was speaking Spanish.
He peaked around the corner from the laundry room. "Wille?!" He quickly walked over to where I was seated.
He was wearing his purple hoodie and pajama pants. I made the assumption that he was gaming before bed.
I looked up into his eyes as he crouched down to be at my eye level. "What happened?" Simon looked worried, panicked even.
I rubbed my raw, dried out eyes. "She yelled at me again." I didn't even have to say her name.
He quickly put his arms around me. "Oh, Wille.."
"Can we get away? Go somewhere far?" I whispered into his ear.
I felt him nod. "Of course." He whispered back.
I felt Simon's arms fall away from my grasp, I immediately wanted them back.
"I want to fly away. Get on my plane and leave. Even if it's just a couple days."
Simon sat in the chair next to mine. "With me?"
"Yeah." I quickly responded.
A confused look sat on his face. "But, what about school, rowing, your mom? Isn't she gonna know?"
"Not if I don't let anyone tell her." I smirked at the curly haired boy next to me.
He grabbed my hand that sat on the table.
"Okay. So, where to?"

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