Back To School - Wilhelm's POV

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TW: 1 Curse Word lol
"We're here!" Malin told us.
Simon and I got out of the black car, walking towards the supplies store.
"Finally, we're going to be third years!" Simon smiled as the three of us walked in.
Malin grabbed a cart and began to walk us around the store.
I looked down at Simon, "You brought the list, right?"
He pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. "Yep!"
We entered the folder aisle and I began to look around at them, trying to figure out what colors I should buy. I've always had simple, just colored, folders and binders. I guessed Simon was the same since he looked in the same spot.
He suddenly went over to the designed ones. "You should get this one."
I looked over to see him holding a rainbow folder, "Yeah, it'll remind me of you."
We both burst out laughing before he shoved the folder into my hands.
"Buy it then."
I chuckled before throwing it in the cart. We picked up a few more items before checking out and heading back to Simon's house.
It was the first day of school and I had brought the folder to surprise Simon. I thought it would be funny. I sat down in my seat, placing my books and folder on the table.
Simon walked into the room and immediately sat next to me.
"Hey, my love." He kissed me on the cheek.
I smiled at his affection.
He suddenly noticed the folder, "No fucking way! You're actually using it?" He giggled.
I laughed, "Maybe?"
We both looked at each other before standing up to greet the teacher, class starting.

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