The Objection - Simon's POV

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Idea from mariescontentt on tiktok
I tied my lavender colored tie around my neck. "Mom, do you think Wille will be mad that I showed up?" I questioned.
My mother stood up from tying my shoes. "I think that he'll be happy that you broke the monarchy's rules." She smiled in my direction.
I sighed. "The press is going to eat this story up."
She chuckled at my remark. "Good, the monarchy should be known as a homophobic form of government."
I waved her goodbye, as I was fully dressed and began to drive towards the castle.
I walked into the ceremony, quickly taking a seat. A few people noticed my face and began to whisper quietly among themselves. It was fine, as long as Wilhelm didn't know I was here yet.. or the queen. I sat in the middle of the row so he wouldn't spot me while walking down the aisle. I saw a woman in a white dress emerge from behind a curtain, now standing at the front of the room, at the end of the aisle.
My stomach grew butterflies as I turned around, seeing Wilhelm directly after. The butterflies turned into hornets as I remembered why I was here. He was in the same suit that every royal wore when getting married.
The woman looked extremely excited. I guessed that it was one of the queen's friend's daughter since Wille wasn't looking very thrilled. I sighed, watching closely.
"Hey, are you the boy that was in the video with the Crown Prince?" The person next to me whispered towards me.
"Yeah, now please be quiet." I didn't even look at the person.
The ceremony began.
"Are there any objections to this marriage?" The priest yelled among the crowd.
Here we go.
"I object!" I stood up, all eyes laying on me.
I saw a few lights of cameras face me as I shook off some nerves.
"Simon?!" Wille gasped.
The royal family began to panic. "Get him out of here! Security!" The Queen shrieked.
"Can you give us a reason for your objection, Simon Eriksson?" The priest asked over all the ruckus.
I took a deep breath. "I still love you, Wille! And I know you love me too." A tear rolled down my cheek.
"Don't make him go! All security, back down!" Wilhelm spoke, extremely loudly.
Everyone calmed down, it went to silence. Wille began to guide himself towards me in a slow walk. "Simon..." He whispered the second we met.
I reached for his hand, keeping it beside us. He immediately smiled and placed his forehead on mine.
And then he placed his lips on mine.
Camera shutters clicked, lights flashing everywhere, shrieks from the entire royal family. I was brought back to reality.
"Simon, just follow me. Okay?" Wille quietly mumbled into my ear.
I nodded and he immediately started sprinting. I followed after, both of us laughing of relief.
"I love you, Simon!" He screamed the second we reached outside.
"Wilhelm, get back here!" Queen Kristina wailed.
We interlocked hands.
"I love you more, Wilhelm!" I shouted back at Wille.
And we ran, and ran, and ran until we couldn't run anymore.

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