Your Hand In Mine - Simon's POV

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I reached for the black nail polish on my side table. "I am so excited to paint your nails!" I smiled to myself.
Wille sat across from me on my twin sized bed. "My mom is gonna kill me." He let out a nervous chuckle.
"Your acting like you getting your nails painted is gonna be the biggest thing you've ever done." I began to twist the cap open.
He shrugged, smiling. "True."
I reached for his hand. He immediately placed his palm to mine. I let a little smirk out.
"I've never done this before. Should I take it off right after so my mom isn't mad?" Wilhelm began to overthink.
I massaged his hand before fully opening the bottle. "Do you want to wear it around?" I asked calmly.
He took deep breaths, giving me a tiny nod shortly after.
"Then keep it on. You shouldn't let your mom control your life." I gave him a reassuring look before looking at his nails.
I opened the bottle of black nail polish, beginning to apply stokes onto Wille's thumb nail. My nails were already painted, some of them purple and some black.
"How are you so good at this?" He questioned.
I giggled. "Practice."
I finished the second layer on his other thumb, closing the bottle
"It's done already?" Wilhelm kept his hand in mine even though I was finished.
"Mhm! Well, except for the drying." I shrugged.
We made eye contact, hands still connected. My eyes were led to his lips. A chill was sent down my spine.
"You're so beautiful, Simon." He whispered.
I realized that Wille was also staring at my lips. I smirked and brought my hand that wasn't holding his hand to his neck. I pulled him closer and he moved his hand to touch my neck. Our foreheads were brought together.
"Not more beautiful than those lips of yours." I kissed him immediately after finishing my sentence.
The kiss deepened, leaving me in a heaven of love.

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