2 AM - Wilhelm's POV

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"I want you to sing for me! You're voice is like an angel." I said to Simon as we sat on the bed, sitting crisscross to face each other.
We laughed. "Fine, Fine. What song?" Simon moved his hand to hold mine.
We sat in my dorm room, it was 2 am and we had decided to pull an all-nighter. "The one you sang on the day I arrived." I leaned against the wall behind me.
"So, the one that you sang at your initiation party to me?" Simon giggled.
I have always felt embarrassed of that moment. I was extremely drunk and didn't think, it was also kind of my gay awakening.
I jokingly rolled my eyes. "Yes, Simme. That one." He smiled at me.
I gave him a little peck on the lips before he started singing. I leaned against my wall again and admired my beautiful boyfriend. I still couldn't believe we were back together.
"It takes a fool to remain sane! Oh, it takes a fool to remain sane." Simon sang.
My eyes stayed on him as he continued the song. I was smiling the whole time, happy I was here, with him. Simon finished the song as my cheeks flushed red.
"That was amazing, my love." I spoke when he was done.
His face went red. "Shut up." He giggled.
I sat up and pulled Simon in closer, so our faces were inches apart.
"Of course." I smiled before closing the space between us, our lips moving in unison.

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