Leaving The Group - Simon's POV

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"Alright, students. We've made it to the aquarium. Remember, everyone must stay together," Mr Englund reminded.
Everyone nodded, including Wilhelm and I. My hand clasped in his, we stood up and got off the bus.
"What animal are you excited to see?" I overheard Henry asking Walter.
Mr Englund spoke again once we were all gathered off the bus, "Once again, absolutely no one should be sneaking off!"
Felice snuck over my shoulder, "Don't forget that, you two."
Wille let out a chuckle, "Damn. Guess our plan is ruined!"
I giggled, "Who said we have to follow the rules?" I looked up at him.
"Are you planning what I'm planning?"
I noticed the group walking away and we jogged to catch up. Wilhelm clasped my hand the entire journey.
He had always been very interested in animals. Especially otters so, he kept going on about how excited he was for the exhibit.
"The otters!" Wille pointed and went ahead of the group.
I laughed, following him close behind. He began to point out all the facts he knew and what they were doing.
A smile rose onto my face, "they're so adorable."
"Exactly!" Wilhelm exclaimed.
Mr Englund began to round everyone up, telling us we have to leave this exhibit.
Wille frowned, "I don't wanna leave."
"Then we won't."
"What if we get in trouble?" He questioned.
I giggled, "we'll be fine."
"What are you guys doing? Everyone is leaving?" Sara asked, Felice standing next to her.
I glanced at Wilhelm before looking back at Sara, "we're sneaking off."
"Of course you guys are. Come on, Sara, we need to catch up," Felice joked.
Now it was just the two of us.
Around 10 minutes later, Wilhelm decided he was ready to leave.
"Bye-bye, otters!" He waved goodbye as we left the area.
I smiled, my arm locked in his, "What do we do now? Catch up with the group?"
"No. Mr Englund told me that we all meet back at the bus around two and it's currently 12:30," Wille shrugged.
I nodded, "Okay, guess we hang out then!"
We strolled through the exhibits when suddenly Wilhelm pulled us into a corner space. He pinned me to the wall as I let out a breath.
"Simon. I love you."
I felt myself choke on the small amount of air between us.
"You have no clue how much I love you," I whispered before placing our lips together.
The kiss became more intense as Wille pinned me tighter to the wall, grabbing my thigh. I groaned into the kiss. He let go and began to walk away, acting unfazed.
"You're such an exhibitionist," I laughed out.
He jokingly pushed me before our fingers tied together again.

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