Shared Nostalgia - Simon's POV

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Idea from women_069
"I haven't seen this in ages!" I held up a toy that I loved in my childhood years.
Mama looked over from her spot. "You used to love that thing!"
Wille, Mama, and I were in my attic, cleaning. There were spiders surrounding us and the room bursted with nostalgia.
Wille giggled, rummaging through more piles.
"Did you seriously not have any embarrassing toys from your childhood?" I questioned.
He shrugged. "I have a few."
"Okay, then don't be judging." I laughed to myself.
I walked towards a cabinet, hoping to find something valuable. I opened the two doors to find a few books. Some were readable, the others being photo albums. Mama walked over, picking an album up.
"Oh my god! Wilhelm, come look at this." She was now looking in the book.
I rolled my eyes. "Mama!"
Wille came over, almost immediately. "Awe! You were so cute! What happened?"
"What the hell, Wille?" I laughed.
The three of us went down the ladder, holding multiple albums now. We gathered in the living room, on the couch. The books were set on the coffee table.
"Okay! Let's go from oldest to youngest." Mama smiled, picking up one labeled, 'Simon's first year'.
Wilhelm grabbed my hand, looking as my mom flipped through pages.
"This one was from the day you were born!" Mama's face lit up, getting a wave of nostalgia.
We all looked at photos, laughing at funny ones, crying a few tears (mainly mama), and smiling. Wille supported me every time I got embarrassed, saying it was a normal event or it's not that bad. I never believed him but, that doesn't matter.

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