Simon? Part 2 - Wilhelm's POV

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I ripped the cloth that silenced Simon out of his mouth. My arms wrapped around his body as we both sobbed.
"Thank you," He whispered.
My tears continued to flow as I heard his voice break. I just saved my best friend from a life altering event. I pulled away and looked into his eyes
"What happened...?" I questioned.
He looked at the concrete floor. I grabbed his face and held him at a height to look at me. I wiped a tear off his wet cheek.
"Can we get away from here first?" He mumbled.
I quickly nodded, "Of course."
I began to get rid of the rope that held his arms and legs together. Simon watched me while I continued the process. I took his arm over my shoulder, holding him up as we stood. We stumbled to the door and I threw it open. The party continued on, music blaring. Simon was still looking at his feet as I studied the room. I spotted August and his friends, Nils and Vincent, around a table. They were taking shots. I locked eyes with August and his face went blank, pale. I smiled at him before taking Simon towards the nearest window.
"Are we going to your room?" Simon blurted out.
I uttered, "Yeah. You need some rest," I gave him a little smile.
He returned the tiny smile before staring at his feet again. His hand held my shoulder as I lifted him up to get through the window. People stared at us as we existed. I wasn't sure if it was because of Simon being missing or us being extremely close. I got him through the window and pulled myself through.
"Oh my god!" I heard a familiar voice.
I turned to see Felice and Sara running towards us. Sara immediately put her arms around her younger brother.
Felice looked at me, "Where was he?" She said, panicked.
I exhaled, "In some random room in that building."
"Well, who could've done it? Who even knows about this place?" Felice asked.
I clicked my tongue, "I don't know but I am going to figure out who did it."
Sara and Simon left each other's embrace and looked at us.
I sighed, "Ready, Simon?"
"Yeah, I don't wanna be here," He began to look around.
I took his hand, " Okay, let's go then."
"Take care of him, please!" Sara called after us.
I turned my head back, "I will!"
We stumbled through the forest, hand in hand. Once we made it back to the school, I opened my window that I had left cracked earlier that night. I lifted Simon through before bringing myself into the room. I rushed to my closet and picked out a sweatshirt and pj pants.
"For me?" Simon questioned when I held them out to him.
I giggled, "Yeah. I want you to be comfortable."
He smiled before pulling off his shirt and placing the sweatshirt around himself. I turned around as he pulled the pj pants on. Once he was dressed, I laid on the bed. I gave a signal for him to lay in front of me and he followed through. I allowed my arms to wrap around his waist as my nose nuzzled in his curls.
"So, what happened?" I whispered.
He shifted, "I was given a note in my locker to go out to that building. I wasn't given any information but I went anyways. It was all my fault."
"Hey, it's not your fault," I swallowed.
Simon flipped over to look at me, our faces inches apart.
I spit out the question everyone was wondering, "Who did it?"
He exhaled, "Wilhelm, it's gonna ruin everything for you. You don't wanna know."
I scoffed, "If someone did that to you, I don't want to be associated with them. Please tell me, Simon."
"It was August."
I was hit by a ton of bricks, "August?"
He nodded. I allowed a quick tear to run down my face. I felt Simon's hand wipe it away.
"I'm not gonna hang out with him anymore," I sighed, "I can't even be around him."
"I don't wanna ruin your friendships, Wille." Simon stated.
I shook my head, "No. I'm not gonna hang out with someone that kidnapped the boy I'm in love with."
The room went silent.
"You love me?" Simon said after a few moments.
I moved my eyes to his, "Maybe...?"
He smirked before interlocking my lips with his. I felt his hand grace my cheek and I smiled into the kiss. My hand went to his curls. He pulled away and looked at me.
"Thank you for saving me," Simon smiled.
I moved a curl out of his face, "Of course."
Simon flipped over again and my hands went back around him. I could hear his small snores almost immediately. I felt myself fall asleep in his arms.

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