Antarctica Trip - Simon's POV

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Swish Swish.
Our snow pants made an annoying noise as we walked through the snow.
"Wille, why exactly did we plan a trip to Antarctica?" I looked over at him, struggling to pick up his feet.
He frowned. "Cause who doesn't want to see gay penguins?"
I giggled. Wilhelm has been obsessed with penguins for about a year now.
"We should be almost at the colony!" The tour guide spoke.
It was just Wilhelm and I, not including his little prince army. Malin, Jan-Olaf, and a few others were following behind us. We walked over a hill, soon seeing a beautiful landscape.
"Penguins!" Wille pointed towards a few black blobs in the distance.
I began to race down the hill towards them, Wille following soon after. We reached the penguins and saw their nests.
"Those are the gay ones." The guide pointed towards a male and his mate resting on top of a nest. "They adopted the egg from another couple that abandoned it." The tour guide smiled at us.
"They're just like us!" Wille hopped up and down, barely because of his clothes weighing him down.

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