"Take Me To Church." (Easter Special) - Simon's POV

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Author's Note: Hi! This story was supposed to come out on Easter but I'm a few hours late 🤷‍♀️ I do talk about religion in this story so if you don't like that, feel free to skip. My family celebrates Easter even though I'm agnostic so this is kind of me reflecting my experience. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy!
I put the food coloring into the water as Wille stood next to me, creating his own colors. We were making dyed eggs for Easter.
"Do you like this color, Simme?" He questioned.
I moved my eyes to focus on the bowl in front of him, "Awe! I love that color!" It was a purple that looked like my sweatshirt.
I finished making the green liquid and turned over to the counter behind me. My hands reached a box and pulled a plastic egg out of it. I turned back to my dye.
"Does this really work?" Wilhelm asked.
I nodded, "Yeah! Mama, Sara, and I have done it together since I was a kid."
He smiled at me, "I'll trust your judgement."
Wille wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on my shoulder as I plunged the egg into the dye. I made sure to cover every bit of white, turning it around.
"What do we do with them after dyeing them?" Wilhelm whispered.
I giggled, "We can paint them, leave them as they are, or really do anything!"
He tightened his grip around my waist as I pulled the egg out of the water. I let out a laugh before placing the plastic on a paper towel.
Wilhelm asked another question, this one being more serious, "Why do you celebrate Easter?"
His arms pulled away and he leaned on the counter now.
"What do you mean?" I replied.
He shrugged, "I thought you were agnostic."
"I am," I tapped the egg with the towel.
His eyebrows showed the confusion he held, "If you don't believe in anything, why do you celebrate?"
I clicked my tongue, "It's just tradition," I looked up at his eyes now.
"Since when do you care about tradition?"
My shoulders shrugged, "Since it was about my family."
Wille smiled before picking up his own plastic egg and dipping it in his purple dye. I grabbed another egg and began coloring it.
"When did you stop believing in Christianity?" I asked.
He glanced over at me, "How did you know I stopped?"
"Your cross necklace disappeared," I observed, pointing at his chest.
Wilhelm sighed, "It started when Erik passed. As time went on, I realized that God wasn't helping me so why should I worship him?"
I nodded, "Understandable."
"Why don't you believe in him?" Wille placed his egg on a paper towel.
"Never really understood how some high power that controls everything exists. I don't know. It just doesn't make much sense to me," I placed the green egg on my towel.
We locked eyes now. I stared up at the chocolate color that surrounded his pupils. We soon continued to dye the eggs until we ran out.
"Drawing time!" I grabbed a Sharpie pen.
Wille followed after, getting his own pen. We drew on our colorful eggs before placing them all in a basket. Mama walked in and took the basket, putting it on the dining table. I smiled at Wilhelm before we went off to play video games.

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