"Surprise!" - Simon's POV

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"He's going to love this!" I jumped at the sight of the balloons and decorations.
Felice smiled. "He really will."
All of Wille's friends were at my house. I had told him we were going to hang out for his birthday. Henry, Walter, and Felice were all here. It was just going to be the five of us.
"Could we help with anything else?" Walter asked.
I smiled. "I think that we're good!"
We all sat on the sofa, waiting for Wilhelm to knock on the door. The lights were off to prepare and Sara had joined us. She wanted to hang out with Felice.
Knock knock.
A noise came from the door.
"I'll get the door. You guys yell and turn the lights on." I whispered to everyone.
I got up and made my way through the dark. I soon opened the door.
"Hello, my birthday boy." I hugged him.
He gave me a quick kiss. "Hey, why are the lights off?" Wille giggled.
"Surprise!" Everyone yelled.
The lights turned on quickly. He laughed.
"Oh my god!" Wille cheered. "Everyone's here!"
We all got around him and hugged each other.
"Simon, did you plan all of this?" He was in awe, looking at all of the decorations.
"I love you so much." He picked me up.
I laughed. Everyone finally settled on the couch, soon after.
Sara and Felice were cuddling, since everyone knew about them now. Same deal with Henry and Walter.
I placed my head on Wille's chest, starting the movie for all of us to watch.
I hoped that this had made him happy. He had been really stressed recently and I think he needed this.
Wilhelm kissed the top of my head as we watched his favorite movie.
It was Red, White, and Royal Blue, of course. He could relate to it and it made him happy because of their outcome.
After the movie, we all gathered around the cake as I lit the candles.
"Ja, må hon leva! Ja, må hon leva! Ja, må hon leva uti hunrade år!" We all sang. "Hurra! Hurra! Hurra! Hurra!"
Everyone clapped as Wilhelm blew out the candles, making his wish.
"Thank you." He mouthed to me.
I smiled, liking to know he's happy. "Of course." I mouthed back.

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