Your Head On My Shoulder - Simon's POV

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TW - Panic Attack and Anxiety
It was a regular Thursday night and Mama, Sara, and I were playing a board game. I got a sudden call from Wille which kind of concerns me because we normally text before calling. I click the green button on my screen.
"Wille?" I tried to sound confused, so he would understand my feelings.
I heard his breathing on the other end of the line. "Wilhelm, are you okay?" I feel Sara and Mama stare at me, concerned.
"Simon, I need you right now. Please come to Hillerska." He sounds like he's sobbing.
"Okay, Wille. I'll stay on the call. Please stay with me okay?" I looked at Mama, then at Sara before getting up and putting on my coat. "Give me a second."
I pulled the phone away from my ear. "I'm going to Hillerska. I'm not sure when I'll be back." I rushed out the door before getting an answer with my phone next to my ear.
"Wilhelm, I'm on my bike right now, you still there?" I asked, biking as fast as possible in the direction of Hillerska.
I heard him shuffle around a little bit. His breathing has stayed the same throughout the call, heavy and fast. "Y-yeah. I'm here." He stuttered out.
"Okay, just stay with me. I'll be with you in a few minutes." I pulled up to Hillerska and ran through the halls, straight to Wille's room.
I found his room before hanging up the phone and barging in. There he was, in the corner of the room on the floor, his knees to his chest. "Wille!" I rushed over and sat next to him.
I took Wilhelm into my arms, his head now resting on my shoulder. His breathing was louder now that I was with him in person. I felt his tears wet my shirt as we sat together.
"I'm here, okay. I love you and I got you, Wille." I reassured him.
His breathing started to slow down a little. Wilhelm sat up to look at me. "I love you even more. Thank you." He fell back into my shoulder, breathing slower then before. "Thank you." He whispered again.
I held him for a few more minutes, a nice silence falling upon us. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked when his breathing was normal again.
Wille pulled his head up and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. "Yeah. I think we should." A little smile showed on his face.
"Okay, I'm here to listen." I smiled at him.
Wilhelm put his head into my lap, now laying down in the floor. I played with his blonde hair as he explained the reasoning behind his panic attack.
"Yeah, my mom hasn't ever been that great." He sighed as he finished.
I see a tear drop fall from my eye onto Wille's shirt. I hadn't even realized I was crying.
"Hey, why are you crying?" He sat up out of my lap.
I snuffled. "I just don't like seeing you get hurt. It hurts me too." Wilhelm pulled me into a hug and we stayed there for a bit.
He pulled away and said, "We can get hurt together, but we will always be there for each other." My face turned pink from that sentence. "I love you." He finished.
"I love you even more then you will ever know." I smiled before pulling him into a deep, heartfelt kiss.

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