"As Long As I'm With You, I've Got a Smile On My Face" - Simon's POV

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I heard the doorbell ring as I closed the last button on my white dress shirt. It sounded like someone had opened the door for Wilhelm.
"Hi, Wilhelm!" I heard my mom excitedly speak.
"Hey, Linda! How are you?" I heard Wilhelm's voice echo from the living room.
The yellow bow tie I was tying around my neck finally tightened well for the night. I walked out of my room and through the laundry room to see Wille and Mom smiling and laughing together. Wilhelm looked over in my direction. The clothes that outlined his body were a pair of black trousers and a black button-up shirt with a blue tie. Our eyes locked and a smile creeped up onto my face.
"Wow.. you look absolutely gorgeous, Simme." He stepped towards me.
I was lost in the moment. "Says you." A faint shade of red grew on my cheeks as I reached for his tie, holding it as he stepped directly in front of me.
Our height difference was pretty significant, making me have to look up at his magnifying eyes. He placed his index finger on the bottom of my chin, lifting it up and kissing me. This kiss was slow and soft, not lasting long. We pulled apart.
"You guys are adorable." My mom spoke from the other side of the room.
I groaned. "Moooom.."
A giggle erupted from Wille as I looked back over at him. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, beginning to walk towards the door.
"Have fun, you two." Mom uttered.
We chuckled as Malin opened the door for us and drove to the restaurant. I had never been to anything this fancy before. I think Wilhelm could tell that because of the way he looked at me when my eyes lit up. We hopped out of the car and walked to the front counter. This restaurant was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen but, then I looked over to Wille and realized that I had seen something more beautiful. Him. Our arms were linked together as we reached the desk.
"A reservation for Crown Prince Wilhelm." He gave his gorgeous smile to the waitress.
She began to collect two menus. "Of course, of course."
As she reached for the last booklet of dishes, I began to hear camera clicks coming from behind us.
"Shit." Wille muttered out.
If I was being honest, sometimes I forgot Wilhelm was the prince but, this was a moment where it was impossible to forget. We both turned our heads, keeping our arms intertwined. Wille turned back to the waitress and we began to follow her. The paparazzis tried to follow us into the restaurant but, the owner stopped them, thank god.
"So sorry about that." Wilhelm apologized.
The waitress beamed. "It's no problem." She walked away, leaving Wille and I alone at the private table.
It was a very cinematic area, a garden with many colorful flowers.
"I thought you would enjoy this." Wille's fingers reached mine since we had both been resting our hands on top of the table.
I smirked. "I am. Of course, I am. I'm with my stunning boyfriend in this absolutely lovely garden. What could be better?"
A grin reached both of our faces as we sat across from each other.

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