The Castle - Wilhelm's POV

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A knock at the door.
It was summer break and I had returned to the castle for my regular royal duties. I'd invited Simon over, without asking of course. It didn't really matter to ask though cause my parents were out of town. I was hustling in my room to get everything ready, setting the box of chocolates on the bed. I heard an employee open the door, possibly Malin. I ran down the stairs, towards the door. His beautiful eyes lit up the room.
"Wille!" Simon ran towards me, jumping into my arms.
I laughed for the first time in ages. "Hey, Simme."
We hugged for a second then he leaned back from the hug and kissed me. A shade of red was left on my face.
"This place is huge. Oh my god." He said, looking around the large entrance room.
I set him back to the floor. "Yeah, I guess it is."
We linked pinkies, now standing next to each other. "I want to see it all." Simon giggled.
I began to walk, leading him, towards my room. "Of course you will! You're staying until my parents get back."
"Wait, I thought it was just for the night..?"
"Do you not want to stay over longer?!" I said, sounding offended.
"No, no. I wanna stay as long as possible."
We laughed together, now walking up the stairs.
"You're going to need to close your eyes." We reached the door.
He stopped walking, so did I. "Why? Do you have a suprise?!" Excitement in his tone.
I know how much he loves surprises. "Maybe, now close your eyes."
We chuckled. I placed my hands over his eyes and opened the door, we walked in.
"Wille, I swear to god, if I trip.."
"You won't, I got you."
We stopped in the middle of my bedroom, Simme facing the bed. "Stay there and keep your eyes closed." I jogged back to the door and closed it, leaving us alone in the big area.
"Okay, you can open them." I say after I am back behind him.
Simon opens his eyes, immediately looking around my room. "This is way bigger than it looks in the FaceTime calls..!"
He turned towards the bed again and spots the chocolates. "Wille..."
I place my arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. "Yes, my love?" I kiss his cheek.
"You didn't have to do all of this." He turns out of my arms and looks straight at me.
I smile. "Yeah, but I wanted to."
He broke into a smile and we just stood there, looking at each other.
"I love you so much." Simon said, looking back over at the bed.
My smile grew. "I love you more."

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