Runaway Part 4 (Last Part) - Simon's POV

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Everyone continued talking and everything felt perfect. I had finally met my internet friends of 2 years and my boyfriend was at peace. Nothing could ruin this.
I notice Wille have a sudden change of energy and emotion.
"Wille.." He doesn't respond. "Wilhelm."
He keeps a panicked look. "We need to get out of here."
Nick and Charlie look back and forth between each other. I only see this out of the corner of my eye.
"Wille, why?" I question, genuinely concerned.
He's standing now, pacing infront of our booth. "I just saw my mom."
I felt my heart drop. His mom? As in Queen Kristina? Of Sweden? Who I met once and she hated my guts?
"Nick and Charlie, I'm so sorry but, we have to go." I began to get up, quickly.
They nodded. "It's fine. If you guys end up staying, please text us. We would love to hang out again." Nick gave us a quick smile.
Charlie wished us luck, waving goodbye.
Wilhelm and I were holding hands, rushing through the crowd. We just need to make it to the hotel. That's not too far right?
"Crown Prince Wilhelm!"
Wilhelm and I turn around to see Jan-Olaf, chasing after us. "He's an old hag. Just run and we'll be fine." Wille joked.
We began sprinting through the street, Jan-Olaf getting cut off by a green light. Laughter erupted from our lungs. I got out our keycard and swiped into our hotel room. We both fell on the bed.
"Well, looks like we got caught." I'm staring at the ceiling now.
Wille let out a small chuckle. "Yeah, might as well go home now." I looked over at him.
He made eye contact with me. "It would actually be more calming if we just went home. I'll call my pilot."
"You've got a point. They'll be running around here, looking for us and we'll just be back in Sweden." I got up and began making sure everything was in my suitcase. "How'd they find us anyways?"
"Paparazzis." Wilhelm hit the call button.
He took a breath. "Yeah. We'll be there in 30 minutes."
"Goodbye London." I looked out the window as we took off again.
Wille and I both had wine in our glasses again. I was almost getting deja vu.
"Cheers to feeling free and living for once!" Wilhelm announced.
Our glasses clinked together.

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