That Dance - Simon's POV

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idea from women_069
I slipped the dress over my legs, pulling it up afterwards. It was prom night at Hillerska and I was going to be Wilhelm's date. A dance with just us on the floor was planned and as I got ready, I recited the dance in my head. I decided to wear a dress cause who the fuck cares about gender roles at this point.
I heard a knock at the front door and it opened. "Linda!" Called Wille's voice.
"Hey, Wilhelm!" My mom replied.
I knew that they were bantering as I finished getting ready.
My mom came to the door. "You almost ready?" She asked.
A smiled creeped up onto my face, "Yeah, I think so."
"I'll go tell Wille," she giggled and closed my bedroom door.
I finished up the whole look and stared at myself in the mirror. My dress was the same purple as my hoodie and had gold trimming. I quickly applied my eyeliner in the mirror before walking out. I left the laundry room to see Wilhelm staring back at me in awe. His hair was perfectly kept and he was wearing a blue suit also with gold trimming. Wille had bought my dress for me so, I kind of predicted that we would be matching.
"Woah.." Wilhelm stepped slowly toward me.
I giggled, "I could say the same thing myself."
Wille reached me and our lips met for a quick kiss. I blushed, almost as red as a tomato.
"We better get going, bye Linda!" Wilhelm began to walk to the door.
I giggle, "Adios, Mama."
The door shuts and Wille walks me to the car, opening the door for me, "Well, thank you, kind sir," I smiled as he shut the car door.
Malin always drove us around and today was no different. She opened the door for Wilhelm and then got in the driver's seat. I rested my head on Wille's shoulder as we rode to Hillerska. We arrived after 5 minutes and got out of the car.
"Simon, do you remember the dance?" Wille asked, more serious then I feel was intended.
A smile creeped up onto my face, "Of course."
This was the first after-school event since Wille and I had came out as a couple to the entire world. More cameras were there then I expected. I knew that our dance and arrival was going to be broadcasted but, I didn't realize how big everything was going to be.
"I love you." Wilhelm said, out of nowhere.
My focus turned from the cameras to him, "I love you so much more."
"Not possible."
A faint shade of red faded onto my face as he pulled me in and kissed me in front of every camera. We pulled apart and continued walking, waving at all of the cameras.
It was now the time for the dance. My stomach had more butterflies then usual when around Wille. The dance floor cleared, one side a camera was being set up and the rest of the border was taken up by students.
"You ready, my prince?" I looked up at Wille, my right hand was held up and linked with his left. My left hand was rested on his shoulder, his right holding me by the waist.
He became a tiny bit pinker than usual, "You know it. How about you, my beautiful boy?"
I loved when we called each other cute nicknames. It warmed my heart. Suddenly, the butterflies had disappeared as I rested my head on Wille's chest. The music began and we swayed back and forth, just holding each other. I was so at peace. With my boy, soft music playing, and feeling free for once. I lifted my head and stared up into Wilhelm's eyes.
He whispers to me, "We got this."
I began to get spun around by Wille, just as we practiced. I completed the dance while my dress was flowing around the room. Everyone cheered as we used up the full floor to dance. The music stopped and we ended in the same position, instead we kissed. That wasn't apart of the dance but, what did you expect?

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