Antiques - Wilhelm's POV

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"Where are we going?" Simon groaned.
We were in the car together, Malin driving, and I was going to surprise him with a shop.
I smiled at him. "You'll know soon."
"Soon?! We've been driving for like 20 minutes!" He put his hands over his eyes.
I laughed. "Simon, that's not that long."
He placed his head on my shoulder. "But, I'm tired so, it seems longer."
I put my arm behind him, placing my fingers in his curls. His sad face turned to a happy one as I half-hugged him.
"Wille." said Simon.
"Are we there yet?"
I giggled. "Almost."
We arrived and Malin let us go in alone. I held Simon's hand as we walked in the door.
"Antiques!" Simon's face lit up. "You know I like them, don't you?"
"I've heard you talk about it.. and I've seen your room." I followed him through the shelves.
We went through every section, looking at every item. Simon talked about every item in detail, knowing what was valuable and what was not. He picked up a few items and went to the counter.
"Is this all?" The cashier smiled at the both of us.
Simon smiled. "Yeah!"
I pulled out my card and gave it to the cashier.
Simon stared at me.
"What?" I asked as she rang us up.
Simon sighed. "You don't have to pay for it."
"Here's your card, your highness." The cashier gave my card back.
"I guess it's too late." I smirked at Simon.
He groaned. "You're too nice."
I picked up the bag that my stuff was place in by the cashier. We walked out to the car, hand in hand once again.
"Thank you, Wille."
"You're welcome." I smiled as his head was place back on my shoulder. "I love you."
"I love you more."

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