Be Yourself (Pride Month Special) - Simon's POV

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I pinned my flag around my neck, smiling at my outfit in the mirror.
Wilhelm and I were apart of the Stockholm Pride Parade. We had an entire float and it was Wilhelm's first time attending a pride event. It was also his first pride month. We're getting ready up in his castle bedroom.
"Should I spice this up somehow?" Wilhelm questioned.
I turned around. "I think it's enough." I giggled.
Wille was in a Rainbow suit and he had an inclusive flag in his hand. I was wearing the gay flag around my neck and a mesh, see-through shirt.
"I think you should put on some eyeliner though." I grabbed his arm and dragged Wille to the bathroom.
He nodded in agreement to the makeup and I picked up my liquid eyeliner.
"Stay still." I began to place a wing on his eye crease. I added a little rainbow flag on his cheek with eyeshadow.
"There!" I turned him so he faced the mirror and he smiled at himself.
I began to give myself a rainbow makeup look. "Thanks. I'll go put my shoes on."
I still hadn't believed that The Queen had allowed us to participate in the parade. We now sat on top of our float, heading down Main Street Of Stockholm.
"Happy Pride!" Wilhelm spoke into the microphone he had connected to our speakers.
Both of us blew kisses to everyone around us. The crowd began to chant for us to kiss. I looked over at him and asked if it was okay. He responded by placing his lips on mine. The crowd went absolutely insane. We both smiled at each other, lost in one another's eyes.
I stole the microphone from Wille. "Be who you are and don't change for anyone!"
Everyone on the side of the street screamed. I smiled at the impact Wilhelm and I had made on the world, just from loving each other.
I looked over at him to see him staring at me, smirking.
"I love you so much, Simon."
My heart skipped a beat. The world stopped. My stomach left my body.
"I love you more." I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.
I rested my head on his shoulder and he took the microphone back.
"Love yourself and everyone around you!" Wille moved his mouth away from it and kissed me on the top of my head. The crowd went crazy again as he waved his flag in the air.

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