He's Made Of Glass - Simon's POV

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TW - Yelling, Cursing, and Anxiety
"Simon! The reason I never told you about August leaking the video was because I was scared." Wille pleaded.
I sighed angrily. "Your exactly like your mama! You just want to protect yourself and your role. You don't give two shits about me!" I cried out.
I felt tears begin to form. I couldn't let them fall. Wille doesn't deserve that part of me.
His voice broke. "Simon, please. I'm so sorry. I just didn't want you going to the police and going against August in court. You could've..." He paused, sniffling.
"I could have what?! Ruined your role? Fucked up your life?!" I wasn't meaning to but, I ended up screaming. "He.. August literally fucked up our entire lives and your protecting him?!"
Wilhelm leaned against the wall of the music room, then falling to the ground with his knees to his chest. I realized that he was sobbing.
"I'm not going to protect August just because the prince wants me to." I spoke much quieter than before.
Wille looked up at me. I could see the pain in his eyes, his chest pumping up and down. Fuck. I did it again.
"Wille, I didn't mean..." I stayed stood in the exact position I was before.
I brought a hand to my eye to wipe away a tear before it fell. I was supposed to be strong. "Fuck." I whispered under my breath.
Wilhelm was still sitting on the floor. We could never come into the music room without a fight breaking out. This place was cursed. I guided my feet towards Wille and sat next to him.
"I'm sorry for yelling. I know you did everything for my sake." I looked over at him, a small smile printed on my face.
He brought his head out of his knees and looked back over at me. Our pinkies touched just like that one time at the movie night. A smile crept onto his face and we just sat together. His head fell onto my shoulder shortly after.
"Do you need anything?" I played with his hair as I listened to his breaths slow down.
His eyes closed. "No, I'm fine."

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