The Night Out - Wilhelm's POV

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Simon & Wille are 18 in this story.
Simon is also one of the biggest singers in Sweden at this point.
Malin drove me through Bjärstad towards Simon's house. We had decided to go out on a date to a bar. I had wanted to take him here for years and now that we're both 18, it was finally time.
Malin pulled into the driveway of Simon's house, he waited on the front porch. I saw him jump up from his seat as Malin parked the car. He's always looked so beautiful, from his dark curls to his nails that were painted from time to time. Today was one of those special days that his well-kept nails were painted black.
I hopped out of the car and he's started running towards me. "Wille!" Simme jumped into my arms, making me loose my balance.
I looked into his dark brown eyes and smiled, "I've missed you!"
He chuckled, "You saw me at school yesterday!"
I let out a soft giggle, "Shut up."
He closed the space in between us, him leaning down as he still sat in my arms. When the gap was opened again, my face red, I dropped Simon and he stood on the concrete beneath us.
"Come on, or Malin's gonna leave us behind," he teased, poking my chest before walking off towards the car.
My face faded to a light pink. I had forgotten Malin was there in the first place. I jog to catch up with Simme and met him in the backseat of the car. We held hands as our car passed trees and buildings.
We arrived at the bar that had a huge sign above it that wrote, 'The Night Out: Sweden's #1 Gay Bar'. Malin dropped us off at the entrance of the building. Simon grabbed my hand and curled his fingers to intertwine with mine, making me feel comfortable. We walked into the bar, blinded by the LED lights that lit up every inch of the room. I dragged Simme towards the drink bar, wanting him to try alcohol.
"We'll take two shots of vodka, please," I spoke in the direction of the bartender.
I smiled at Simon as we stood by the bar, waiting for our drinks. We exchanged words until the shots arrived. I thanked the bartender, as did Simon.
"Ready?" I questioned towards him.
He looked down at his glass, "Sure.."
We clinked glasses and I tilted back my head and downed the shot. I look back at Simme to see him staring at the glass, teary eyed.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked him, resting my hand on his arm.
He looked up at me, "I don't wanna follow in my dad's footsteps, Wille. I'm scared."
I took the shot glass from him and set it down on the counter, pulling him in for a hug afterwards.
"You don't have to, my love, never force yourself to do anything," I smiled as I placed my hand in his curls, his head on my chest.
Simon's tears dried and I pulled away but, still keeping a hold on his hand.
"Can we do karaoke?" He asks.
I giggle, "Is that even a question? Of course!"
We started heading towards the stage and signed up with Simon's song, 'Mi Casa Su Casa'. Once it was our turn we went on stage. The music began and we got lost in each other, me spinning Simon around and dancing around one another.
"You've got a body!" I sang.
"I've got a body!" Simon replied.
We began to sing together, "Let's have a party, Mi Casa Su Casa!"
I spotted Sara and Felice in the crowd and let out a giggle, making Simme giggle as-well. He hadn't seen his sister yet meaning he thought I was laughing at what we were doing. The song faded out and we bowed, the screams and cheers roaring from the crowd.
"I think I deserve a 'good job' kiss!" Simon smirked, right after we returned the microphones.
I chuckled, "I think so too."
I leaned in and our mouths connected, moving in unison. Suddenly, I hear a women's laugh and Simon lets go of my lips. I turn to see the women behind me.
"What are you doing here?!" Simme gasps.
Sara laughs, "I'm here with my girlfriend. Got a problem?"
Felice runs up and hugs Sara from behind, giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Hey, y'all! Didn't think I'd be coming out like this but, yknow, nothings ever expected."
Simon's face still only shows shock.
"Okay, no need to be dramatic, Simme," Sara giggles, "Good job on that stage, by the way."
Simon finally speaks, "Thanks, good job on getting a girlfriend."
We all laugh together, feeling at peace.

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