The Perfect Gift - Wilhelm's POV

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this was if Erik was still alive around Christmas.
idea from women_069
I walked into the jewelry store with one thing in mind. Simon. Erik and I had arrived to buy a Christmas gift for our mother. I've never liked mom. She always made us act grown up so, I never really had a childhood.
"Hey, Erik." I turned my head to face him.
He smiled down at me. "Yes, Wille?"
"I need to get something for someone else while we are here." I looked down at my shoes and we stopped walking around the store.
I could feel Erik grinning at me. "Is it for that boy in the tape?" He whispered so, only I could hear.
My face flushed red. "Yeah, but we are kinda broken up now. I wanna make it up to him." I looked back up to see my brother's face.
"Okay, I'll shop for mom and you can shop for you're little crush." He giggled, walking off.
I chuckled to myself and starting looking for a gift. I found a silver locket in the shape of a heart. I walked up to an employee.
"Hello?" I asked.
The worker turned around. "Hello, how may I help you, Prince Wilhelm?" She smiled.
"I was wondering if you can get words engraved into the lockets." I stuttered.
"Of course! Which one were you looking at?" She led us towards the case.
I pointed at the silver one I had been eyeing. She smiled. "What would you like to get engraved?"
I turned towards her. "Uhm.." I stumbled over my words. "Mi Amor." My face flushed pink.
The employee smiled at me. "Any certain person that this is for or am I not allowed to ask that?" She joked.
"Just someone special." I felt my heart flutter as I thought of him.
She took the locket out of the case and took it to the back and I went to find Erik. He was in the back of the store.
"What do you think of this one?" He asked as I walked up.
He held a necklace with an emerald heart. "I like it."
I saw him look around to see who was around. "Did you find a gift for Simon?" He smirked at me.
I giggled. "Yeah, it's getting some words engraved into it right now."
Erik's face lit up. "You love him, don't you?" He smiled.
I felt my eyes tear up. "Yeah. I do." I wiped the tears away before they could fall.
I felt Erik's arms wrap around me as the employee approached with Simon's locket. I turned around, out of Erik's arms and took the locket.
"Wow, it's beautiful. Thank you so much." I smiled at the woman.
Erik and I took our necklaces and payed for them. I told him that I wanted to take a trip to Bjärstad as we got into the car.
"We can do that." He smiled at me.
My heart fluttered as I pulled my phone out of my pocket to text him. I typed, 'hey, I'm heading to Bjärstad. Can we talk? I have something for you'. I hit send and we drove through the trees and past the football field until we were in Simon's driveway. I rubbed my finger over the locket before placing it in my pocket.
"Hey." I said as Simon walked out of his front door. He looked the same. The same beautiful curls, the same deep brown eyes, but everything still felt different.
"Hey." He sounded exhausted.
"Simon." We made eye contact, just like the time in the church. I took a deep breath. "I want to tell this country the truth. I want you, Simon and I really hope that I haven't totally fucked anything up because I really-" I'm cut off by his lips being pressed onto mine.
I pulled away looked into his eyes, my heart pounding. Both of our cheeks turned bright red.
"So, what did you want to give me?" Simon giggled.
I pulled the locket out of my pocket and handed it to him. His eyes sparkled when he saw the gift.
"Wilhelm. I.." I saw him reach up to his eyes and wipe a tear away. "I love you."
My eyes lit up. "I love you even more." I clipped the silver chain with the locket around his neck and placed my forehead onto his. Simon closed the space and my heart felt happy for once.
"It's almost dinner time, would you like to eat with us?" He says the second we disconnect.
I giggle. "Yeah, can Erik come too?" I pointed towards the convertible that Erik was waving at us in.
Simon laughed. "Yeah. He can." He places a small kiss on my lips before grabbing my hand and leading me towards the door. I signaled for Erik to follow but, he held up his phone and pointed to it. I took my phone out to see his text, 'Have fun, I'm gonna go home and I will send Malin to get you in the morning. I'll cover for you 😉'. I blushed before entering Simon's house.

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