A Walk In The Woods - Simon's POV

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idea from women_069
Wille took me through the fields and grass of Hillerska. We laughed together as he lead me to wherever we were going.
"This better be worth it cause we're skipping class right now." I chuckled.
We had lost Malin and the other bodyguards awhile ago. They were probably informing the Royal Court that he had gone missing.
He smirked. "Remember that woods that we went through to get to the lake after that one night."
Of course I remember that. That was one of our happiest moments.
"Yeah.." I hit me on where we were heading. I gasped. "We're going there?!"
We made it to the woods line and Wille grabbed my hand, then starting to walk.
"Finally. No bodyguards to ruin this." He spoke. "Oop, did that thought slip out?"
I giggled. "Truthful thought."
All the memories hit me in that moment. The little kiss, telling the bodyguards that the water is cold, and messing with his hair. I was so excited to be back.
"Do you think anyone will be at the lake?" I asked.
He looked over at me. "No." Wilhelm showed a smirk that looked like he had something planned.
We walked into the open area that the lake sat in. I looked around, suddenly spotting a blanket with food on top.
"Wille." I whispered, looking back over at him.
He smiled, walking towards the picnic set up. Wilhelm sat on the blanket as I watched in disbelief.
"Come here." He patted on the blanket.
I slowly walked over and sit in the exact spot that he tapped. He began to unpack the basket, pulling out oranges.
I gasped. "Oranges!" I grabbed one and began peeling it. "How did you know I love oranges so much?"
"Simon, I'm literally in love with you. What is there that I don't know?" He began sipping at a bottle of water.
I picked up a leaf and began messing with it. "I love you." I stared at the leaf.
Wille grabbed my chin, making me look at him. He kissed me. Butterflies fluttered through my stomach.
"I love you too." He said after letting go.
I kissed him again, knowing we were alone.

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