Happy Birthday, Simon Part 1 - Wilhelm's POV

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"What did you get him?"
"I got him a few rings and a locket with our initials engraved."
Felice and I sat in the back of my car. Malin was driving, as usual. We kept a steady conversation as we headed into Bjärstad for Simon's birthday party.
"Is Sara already there?" Felice asked me.
I nodded. "Yeah, she went home to see him last night."
We pulled into Simon's driveway and Malin opened the doors for me. Felice got out on her own. "Thanks, Malin." I smiled at her before walking towards the door.
Felice and I smiled at each other, excited to see our loved ones. I knocked on the door after looking through the window, seeing Linda and Sara setting the table. Linda rushed over to the door. She opened it the second she made it over.
"Linda!" I cheered.
"Hey, Wilhelm and Felice!"
She moved out of the way and let us into the house, Felice going to the table and hugging Sara. I immediately headed towards the laundry room, walking through it and into Simon's bedroom.
Rosh and Ayub were sitting there with Simme and they were gaming.
"Wille!" He hopped up from his game, rushing over to me.
I wrapped my arms around him, the butterflies fluttering around my stomach. "Hey, my love." I whispered into his ear.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Simon! Happy birthday to you!" We all sang in Swedish.
Simon was blushing, staring down at the candles. As we finished the song, he blew them out.
"What did you wish?" Sara immediately asked.
Simme giggled. "I can't tell you that otherwise it won't come true!"
Linda began slicing the cake.
"I can't believe your older than me, Simon. How are you seventeen and I'm sixteen?" I complained.
"It's called being born before you, dumbass." Simon chuckled in my direction.
Linda gave us all a plate with a piece of cake on it. "You know what I remember from Simon's childhood?"
"Mom. Don't." Simon warned her.
She giggled. "I remember Simon having a huge crush on Wille. It was very obsessive."
Rosh and Ayub perked up. "I remember that!" Ayub chuckled.
"Moooom." Simon groaned.
I let out a laugh. "Well, you got what you wanted."
A laugh went around the table, soon turning to silence because everyone was eating.
"We should do gifts!" Sara cheered after everyone was finished.
"I'm up for that!" Rosh spoke.
We all gathered in the living room. Sara and Felice were practically laying on top of each other. Simon sat right next to me, his legs resting on my lap and his back against the armrest. Ayub, Rosh, and Linda sat in their own chairs.
"I'll open this one first!" He pointed at my gift.
Linda handed him the gift since he didn't want to get up. He opened the tiny bag.
"Oh my god! Wille!" He could tell it was my gift just from what the present was. He sat up and hugged me, giving me a peck on the lips before putting all of the jewelry on and continuing with the gifts.

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