The Meadow - Wilhelm's POV

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I was walking to my algebra class as I saw that head of beautiful curls. I ran up behind Simon and threw my arms around him.
"Wille.." he giggled under his breath.
Simon turned as I pulled my hands to his cheeks. "Hey, baby."
"We should cut class." He suggested.
I rolled my eyes. "What about algebra?"
"Who gives a shit about algebra?"
I laughed. "Okay."
We began walking in the other direction. "Regular spot?" Simon questioned.
"Malin has said that she knows we go back to the lake and if we do it again, she'll snitch." We stopped walking.
"Ugh. Tattletail."
I laughed under my breath. "We could go off campus?" I pulled him closer.
"Mhm." A smile appeared on his lips.
I nodded and we headed off to a spot that I had kept in mind. I was told the directions by Felice, who had a party next door a week before. At this party, I stumbled out of the building, drunk of course, and found myself in a meadow. It was absolutely gorgeous so, it had to be added to the places to take Simon list.
"Where are we going?" He asked.
I smirked. "It's a surprise! You don't want it ruined do you?"
"Obviously not."
We reached the hill that hides the meadow from the world. "Almost there."
As we went over the hill, Simon gasped. The landscape had become a lot more beautiful since last time. Unless I just didn't process it while drunk.
"Wille.. it's gorgeous." He began to walk out into the flowers.
I smiled at the sight of his happiness.
We began to dance and spin each other around in the grass.
We were now laying on our backs. About an hour had passed since arriving.
"Yes, my love?"
"How did you find out you loved me?" Simon looked at me, seriously.
My lips curled up. "Well.. I think it was the first day I was at Hillerska, when you were singing."
"Damn, I guess it really was love at first sight."
I laughed. "You're telling me the first time you saw me, you fell in love?"
Simon's head turned back to look at the sky. "I was seven and I was in the supermarket. Mama had been buying the groceries and I was looking through magazines. There you were, right on the front cover."
"Always on the front cover." I added.
We both giggled.
"I guess your dream came true." I reached for Simon's hand, taking it in mine.
"It really did."

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