Simon's Song - Wilhelm's POV

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"Thank you everyone who came to my concert. I can not believe how many of you are actually here. Now, for my most popular song. I'm sure you all know it." Simon spoke into a microphone.
Then, the lights dimmed. Every person in the crowd was screaming as the beat of Simon's biggest song started. I stood backstage, watching him in his element.
"Forna dagar, flydda år. De säger tid läker alla sår." Simon began.
He wrote this song about me, for me. Suddenly, I felt his gaze rest upon me and I got an urge. An urge to go out onto the stage. My feet guided me towards him. The lights came back on and everyone could see me walking towards Simon. Screams erupted from the audience.
"Det gjorde ont, jag tappa bort mig själv!" He stared at me with those beautiful eyes. "Jag var lost, innan jag hittade hem."
We finally met and hugged each other from the side. Simon brought the mic down to his other hip, away from his mouth.
"I love you." I whispered in his ear.
He pulled away and whispered the same three words back to me. "Det vi hade och vi var." Simon began singing again.
The cheers from the crowd faded back into my eardrums as I waved goodbye, walking off stage.
"Kan aldrig glömma allt som var bra!" He held out this note longer than usual.
I was back at my spot backstage, admiring my beautiful boy once again.
The song ended soon after and Simon made eye contact with me. I gave him a smile and he returned one back to me.
"Okay, I have to go now. Thank you for joining me tonight with this first performance of mine. I couldn't be here with out you all. Jag älskar dig!" He waved goodbye to the crowd as they all screamed a bye to him. He blew a few kisses before walking towards me, off the stage.
The microphone turned off. "Holy shit, that was amazing."
We held each other, butterflies fluttering throughout my stomach. "You did awesome. I couldn't even tell it was your first time on stage." I kissed his cheek multiple times before pulling away from the hug.
"I love you so much." Simon spat out.
I smiled at the shorter boy. "Not more than I do." I grabbed him and picked his feet off of the floor.
I ran towards his dressing room, still not letting his feet hit the ground. We giggled through the hallways, passing every crew member. I threw the door open and fell onto the couch, placing Simon on top of me.

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