My Forever Valentine - Wilhelm's POV

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Happy Valentine's Day! Here is a special chapter for this day! <3
Small Smut Warning
A knock came from my door. I looked up from the homework on my desk to see Simon in the doorway.
"Happy Valentine's Day, my love." He smiled over at me.
I spotted a gift bag in his hands. "You got me something?" I stood up, out of my chair.
I placed my hand on his right arm.
"Yeah. Of course I did!" Simon looked at my hand then my face.
I stared at his lips, kissing him after a few seconds of silence.
I closed the door after we broke apart. He walked over to my bed and sat on it.
"You can open it if you want." Simon held out his arm for me to grab the bag.
I sat back on my desk chair and took the small gift from his hands. I smiled. A small box sat in the bottom of the bag, a card next to it. I opened the card and read the extremely sweet note.
"I love you so much." I looked up from the card that sat in my hands.
He giggled. "I love you more."
I opened the tiny box to see a ring. Simon pointed at the box and I noticed an exact copy of the ring on his finger.
"You got me a matching ring?" Happiness rose throughout my body.
He took the box and put the ring on my finger. "They're promise rings!" He sounded so happy.
"I am never going to take it off." I twisted the ring on my middle finger.
"Thank you, Simon." I placed a kiss on his lips before sitting on the bed next to him.
He smirked. "Happy Valentine's Day."
"Happy Valentine's." I replied.
We kissed again, now more passionately. I placed my hand on the back of Simon's neck, pulling him closer. We both smiled into the kiss. It began to deepen and suddenly, I was above him as we made out on the bed. I moved my lips down his neck and torso.
"I love you. I love you so much. Oh my god." Simon repeated.
I smiled, looking up at him. Then, I brought my lips back to his.
"I love you, my forever Valentine."

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