An Ordinary Day

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"Good morning sexy legs" you heard Sam call through your bedroom door and you groaned softly to yourself and pulled your long haired white cat Aurora closer to you and sighed to yourself. "Come on now, I know you aren't ignoring me. I brought your favorite crepes for breakfast so you don't have to go to the cafeteria"
"Did you remember coffee?" you asked softly.
"Who the hell would dare forget a beautiful woman's coffee?" Sam chuckled and opened the bedroom door and smiled looking at you across the room cozy in your bed.
"A potentially dead man. Why are you so early?" you looked at your phone and groaned.
"I got me a mission" he grinned impishly. "That means you will have more data to process in a couple of hours and Tony is already asking why you aren't in the main lab"
"I knew I was spoiling him by going in early and working in there" you grumbled and sat up in bed in just your t-shirt. You were used to Sam seeing you half naked at this point, he came over almost every day without fail since you two became friends. He purposely missed the Avenger breakfasts to spend time with you. He liked that you sassed him, and treated him as an equal. You liked that he listened when you needed someone to, and he was fiercely protective over you. He has tried numerous times to get you to come and hang out with him at his portion of the compound but you always politely refused. You didn't want to make a nuisance of yourself, and always felt like you were taking up too much space.
Sam sat down unceremoniously on the side of your bed after setting down two coffees on your nightstand and he chuckled as Aurora went and snuggled into all the stuffed teddy bears that were in your bed. He handed you a container and a plastic fork and you opened it to see a strawberry crepe with lots of whipped cream and drizzled with chocolate sauce.
"Is my girl pleased?" he asked proudly as you started digging in.
"It's acceptable for waking me up so early. Did Tony forget that I usually work in this building?" you looked at him with an arched eyebrow. "It's the only way I can work with Aurora in the room"
"Of course he forgot, but I'll remind him. I think the team likes having you around over there" Sam smirked at you and wiped some of the whipped cream off the side of your mouth and licked it.
"Please do that, I don't feel like getting dressed up today" you sighed and saw your phone was already pinging with messages from both Bruce and Tony asking when you were coming to the lab. You groaned and flipped your phone over so you wouldn't have to look at it.
"We are having a movie night tonight, and it's one of your favorites. Any chance I can talk you into coming?" Sam asked gently.
"Fat chance. I'm happy keeping to myself" you shrugged.
"Bucky is going to be there" Sam raised his eyebrows.
"That man has no business being that handsome. My answer remains the same. Besides, I have a date tonight" you smiled to yourself.
"Tinder?" he asked quickly and you nodded. "What's the conversation been like?"
"Sparse. I think he's looking for a hookup. I'm not. But he didn't ask for nudes or a full body photo so that's promising" you grinned.
"Asking for nudes isn't the way to a ladies heart, that's for damn sure" Sam shook his head. "What's his name?"
"Andrew, and that's all you're getting. I know you'll do a background check again" you looked at him as you finished your crepe.
"Someone's got to watch out for you" he shrugged innocently and watched as you gave Aurora the container to lick the whipped cream.
"I watch out for me" you rolled your eyes. "I was doing a good job before you came along"
"Until you aren't" he looked at you and you felt worry build up in the pit of your stomach.
"Sam, I'm a big girl. No one wants to take this on" you rolled your eyes again.
"You should let me teach you some self defense moves" he glared but quickly looked away.
"Sammy... stop being a worry wart. I'll text you while I'm out and if I really need you, and it's urgent I'll text the word coffee like we agreed upon a long time ago" you put your arm over his shoulder. He sighed heavily and looked at you slowly.
"You know, I worry about you" Sam put his arm over your shoulders.
"I worry about you too Mission man. Promise me you'll be careful" you looked at him imploringly.
"What restaurant are you going to? At least give me that much and I'll be careful" he promised.
"The Italian one on fifth street" you gave a small smile.
"That one's been known to have mobsters go through there" he shook his head at you.
"Come on Sammy, let a girl live a little. I've always wanted to try their chicken parmesan. Everyone has talked about it" you gave a cute pout that you knew he wouldn't be able to say no to.
"You better answer your phone, it keeps going off" he pointed at your nightstand and you sighed heavily before grabbing it and seeing multiple notifications from Tony and Bruce, and three missed calls. Sam reached behind you both and grabbed your container while Aurora gave a small mew and he put them in the trash can. You looked at the messages and wrote back that you were working in your own office for the day. Tony wrote back quickly and said he was going to make you an office in his building if that's what it took to get you there. You ignored him and stood up and took a sip of your coffee.
"Our boss is starting to push his boundaries" you rolled your eyes looking at Sam.
"Girl, you say that at least once a week" Sam chuckled. "Get with the program, he's always going to push it. He likes to get what he wants"
"I need to change, thank you for breakfast and the coffee" you gave Sam a quick kiss on the cheek and headed to your closet.
"I got chu" Sam started making your bed a bit for you as you pulled out a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans. You grabbed your white satin panties and matching bra before heading into the bathroom to change. "You want me to send over Wanda or Nat to help you with your makeup for tonight?" Sam called through the door.
"You'll be trying to get more details on my date. No thank you. I learned from the last time" you chuckled and started getting changed.
"It's dangerous for a single girl to be going on these blind dates" Sam hesitated. "You know you have people that care about you. Let me set you up on a date with a friend"
"No, I can get by on my own. If I had female friends, I would set you up with one of them" you winked at him. "You're a catch"
"Alright, I better get going. I'm headed out with Bucky and Steve today" he sighed heavily and you came back out of the bathroom and slipped on your shoes, grabbing Aurora.
"I'll see you later" you smiled at him and he ruffled your hair.
"I just brushed it" you hissed at him angrily.
"Makes it more fun" Sam winked and started to laugh at the look on your face. He quickly went out your door and you turned to go grab your coffee before going to the lab.

"Let me guess, you were with Y/N again" Steve chuckled as Sam rushed into the jet after both he and Bucky had been waiting over ten minutes. He was fully geared up and looked like he was in a rush. He went to his seat and strapped in.
"Yeah, she still won't let me teach her any self defense" Sam growled a bit. "She's a single woman, and won't let anyone take care of her. She's too stubborn"
"You two have gotten close" Bucky looked at him, seeming a little jealous with the way his face darkened. "Is she coming to movie night?" he asked hopefully.
"Nah, she has another date tonight so she's staying in compound C. I think it's to make sure Tony doesn't talk her into staying late again" Sam shrugged and looked at him.
"She should go on a date with a gentleman, not those creeps she keeps meeting online" Steve shook his head.
"She's a beautiful woman, she wouldn't have a hard time finding a guy in person" Bucky flushed a bit. "What's she got against meeting a man the old fashioned way?"
"She lives in the lab Tinman. How is she gonna do that? I can barely get her to get out on our Sunday walks" Sam looked at them shaking his head.
"Sounds like you've got your hands full" Steve chuckled.
"Speaking of, what if we joined you two for your walk on Sunday?" Bucky asked hopefully. "She's always so busy, it would be nice to get to know her better the way you do"
"She'd never agree to that" Sam shook his head.
"If you told her about it" Bucky mumbled.
"That's a valid point" Sam mused a little bit to himself. "I don't want to upset her, it always costs me more on breakfasts" he shook his head.
"Costs you more on breakfast?" Steve turned in his chair laughing. "Don't you two normally go to the cafeteria?"
"She likes crepes, its a sure-fire way to get her to forgive me. Yesterday I walked in while she was changing and she was pissed at me, so that's why I'm late" he admitted softly.
"You sure you ain't sweet on her?" Bucky's face darkened a bit again.
"She's like a little sister to me" Sam shook his head. "She don't care if I come in while she's in bed, so I know the feelings mutual" Sam chuckled a little bit.
"What if someone you knew was sweet on her?" Bucky asked gently, broaching a subject he had been wanting to for a while.
"I'd still do the background check" Sam smiled at him. "You know someone?" he raised his eyebrows.
"Me? No" Bucky lied and looked away, and that wasn't missed by Steve.

"Tony, you can't come down to my lab just to see if I'm actually working, when you know I'm working" you looked up as he walked into your office. You had your music playing loudly and were in the middle of going through yesterday's mission data while Aurora purred loudly from beside you.
"Why didn't you come to the compound?" Tony sat down in the chair opposite from you.
"You hired me to work here, in this room. I go to the compound sometimes for the bigger stuff, but that's not my office" you giggled and shook your head.
"Bruce needs you, he misses your company" Tony sat forward in his chair.
"Bruce works on his experiments all day and barely talks. You are the chatterbox" you pointed out quickly.
"See that's why he misses you, it gives me someone to talk to while we are looking over data. You're like one of the science bros" he sat back and looked at you disbelievingly. "I need you to come over and we can work on that project. It will be late into the night, we can go to watch a movie with the team" Tony spoke with flourish.
"No, I'm working my normal shift today, I have a date tonight" you shook your head and turned back to your computer.
"What's his name?" he asked quickly.
"Sam already has the first name, that's all you're getting. Its Andrew" you continued looking at the data and highlighting important parts that needed to be reviewed closer.
"Where is he taking you?" Tony pressed for more information.
"Italian food, I'm sure you would approve. Let me get back to this" you looked back at the computer after giving him a level gaze.
"I'm putting your office in with mine and Bruce" Tony stood up.
"I'm staying here, I like my music, and I like having my cat" you looked at him over the top of your reading glasses.
"You can have your music Tuesdays and Thursdays" he tried to bargain.
"I like my office, I don't have to walk for fifteen minutes to get to work and worry about being late, or what the state of the office is going to be" you pouted.
"Just tell me you'll think about it. I can give you a suite in the compound. You can eat meals with us" he shrugged.
"I'll think about it" you rolled your eyes, deciding already you wanted to stay where you were. Moving is a pain, and you are happy with the way things are. "Why me, Tony?"
"Because a we like you, and Sam won't come to breakfast anymore. We want to see you too, besides just in the hallways when you are rushing from the lab to go home. The girls love it when you go for girls day, and the guys miss Sam. Bruce and I like your company" he seemed to be trying not to scare you.
"I'm not an Avenger" you shook your head. "I'm a data analyst"
"One of the best" Tony reminded you. "I wouldn't have stolen you from Shield if you weren't"
"It's been almost a year" you reminded him back.
"See, you are basically family. Don't turn me down. I'll even let you bring the cat in the lab" he stood up. "There's a couple suite no one is using, it's yours for when you move in"
"If" you spoke up.
"When" he walked out the door confidently.

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