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You listened to Bucky read to you, your back up against his firm chest and his naked thighs on either side of your hips. You loved how much he was getting into the story, even using a husky voice for the spicy scene. You could feel his erection pressing into your back, and you noticed that while he was talking he was changing the main heroine's features to match your own. He then also started changing the male lead character to look like him. You couldn't help the soft giggle that filled the room as he started talking about how the main character was fondling her breasts, and he reached down with his right hand and started toying softly with your nipples. You could feel your need building within you, and you wanted more to feel him than you wanted for him to read to you. The heat was building in your core, and if it wasn't for the water in the tub, you knew he would be able to smell you positively dripping. Your breathing became a little more shallow, imagining him doing those things to you. He suddenly stopped reading and you felt him move ever so slightly before his lips were on the side of your neck, nipping at the supple flesh.
"I know you want me too" he whispered huskily in your ear before nipping at your earlobe.
"No" you lied with a soft whimper.
"Tell me you want me" he started sucking on the side of your neck, his teeth grazing your skin once in a while.
"I want you" you gave in quickly.
"That's my future bride to be" he started bending and folding your nipple with his fingers.
"I never agreed to that" you took in a sharp intake of breath.
"You fucking will" he pressed his body more into yours. "You're mine, and I'm all yours" he said with a little more authority in his tone. You shivered in delight hearing him say that, and that fact wasn't missed by him. He started kissing down the other side of your neck, and you laid your head back on his shoulder, his fingers still toying with your nipple. You opened your eyes for a moment and saw the sunset peeking through the autumn trees, you were delighted by the fact that it truly felt like you were honestly outside. The bathwater was cooling down quickly, but your body felt like it was on fire. You heard the sound of the book hitting the floor shortly before Bucky's other hand wrapped around you and started toying with your other nipple.
"James" you breathed with an intake of breath. He let out a growl and bit down softly on the side of your neck, sucking in at the same time and lapping at the skin with his tongue. You felt his erection almost twitching where it was sandwiched between your two bodies, and you also felt like you were melting into him. His right hand left your breast and moved down your stomach slowly to between your legs and he slowly made clockwise motions with the pads of his calloused fingers on your clit. You spread your legs further apart to give him better access, and he ran his fingers along the crease of your labia and slowly pushed them into your core to gather some of your slick. He pumped his fingers a few times before he brought his attention back to your bundle of nerves.
"Already ready for me. Is this all for me?" he asked teasingly.
"All for you, you and only you" you panted slightly as he continued to feather kisses along the side of your neck and rubbed you in just the right way. You started moving your hips with the motion of his fingers, chasing your release and he paused long enough to let you know that he was still the one in charge. "Please" you whined.
"I'm going to pull you out of this tub, and bend you over the sink" he promised and gave the side of your thigh a soft slap. You moved forward and pulled the plug on the tub and he got out of the tub, his erection bobbing in front of him. Moments later he was picking you up out of the tub by under your arms and he set you down on your feet after letting you dangle mid air for a moment, you quickly turned to face him. Like a moth to the flame his lips were on yours and his hands were traveling all over your body causing goosebumps. He nipped at your bottom lip when you didn't grant him swift entry and you gasped. His tongue quickly entered your mouth and started dancing with your own in a sweet and erotic manner. His hands went to your hips and he picked you up again. You quickly wrapped your legs around his hips as he pulled you in and he held you with his flesh arm while continuing to kiss you and he carried you to the bathroom counter and set you down between the two sinks. He slowly started kissing his way, making a trail down your body. He stopped at your breasts and gave them extra attention, leaving small hickies around the nipple. He pulled back to look at his art work and smirked. The marks were bright red, but you knew they would be purple by morning. He leaned in and nipped at your right nipple, taking it between his teeth and gently pulled, humming happily to himself while you carded your fingers through his hair. You pulled slightly at the satiny tendrils as the pain he caused was adding to your pleasure. He let go and kissed the valley between both breasts and stood to his full height for a moment to kiss you hard on the lips.
"I'm not sure I can be gentle tonight" he warned you, his voice husky and full of need. "I need you too much" he added and you looked down to see his erection was indeed almost purple.
"Let me take care of that for you" you smirked.
"Ladies first" he shook his head and dropped to his knees. He gave each of your inner thighs an open mouthed kiss, keeping his eyes on yours. "Tell me when you're close," he whispered and moved forward, he swiped his nose along your folds. You bit down on your bottom lip and he used his hands to pull your thighs over his shoulders, then grabbed you by the ass and pulled you until you were teetering on the edge of the counter. He breathed on your labia, the warm air giving you a teasing sensation. You gave a shudder and he leaned in and licked your folds again, flicking his tongue between them before his sole focus came to your sensitive nub. His lips sealed around your clit as he began sucking, nibbling, flicking and assaulting it in all the best ways possible. You carded your fingers through his hair and pulled slightly to give him some direction as to where you wanted him to be. He moaned and the vibrations trailed up your body, so you tugged a little more. His hands squeezed at the globes of your ass before his right hand came back towards your front and he pushed two fingers into your core. You rocked your hips as he started thrusting his fingers in and out of you. He started out slowly, and gradually picked up the pace while you cried out in bliss.

"James!" you warned him with an intake of breath and he took his fingers out of you and pulled away. You pouted at the sudden loss of contact, and he quickly pushed your legs off of his shoulders before he stood up and in one swoop sheathed himself inside of you. You felt filled to the brim, and put both your hands on either of his shoulders, digging in your nails, causing crescent moon shapes on his right shoulder. He stood motionless for a moment as you gasped audibly. He took a few slow strokes, hitting you in just the right way when you felt your body nearly quake with your first orgasm. You cried out his name, and he moaned softly as your walls flexed around him.
"That's my good girl" he nearly purred.
"Please" you begged, pulling him in more. He twitched inside of you, as though hearing you beg turned him on even more.
"You want more, sugar?" he asked teasingly.
"More, please" you cried out and he slowly started thrusting his hips again. His left hand went down to your clit and he started moving his fingers so quickly it was almost like he was holding a vibrator to your sensitive nub. Your hands started clawing at his chest and he moaned again as you mewed in bliss.
"I'm going to give you more than you can handle," he promised. You rolled your hips with each of his trusts while his hand continued to move quickly. You cried out as a second orgasm washed over you and you threw your head back. He suddenly pulled out of you and put you on your own two feet. You stood unsurely for a moment before realizing what he wanted and you turned so you were facing the mirror, and you rested your weight on your arms. He pushed your legs further apart, and you didn't want to miss the look on his face as he entered you again. You reached up and wiped some of the fog off of the glass mirror itself. You saw his face contorted in pleasure as he pushed into you again, your walls still flexing around him. His hands went on either side of your hips as he started snapping his own hips in, still chasing his own release. You moved with each of his thrusts and he started whispering and moaning your name like a prayer.
"Fuck doll, I'm so close" he groaned.
"Cum in me" you cried out. "Fill me up" you added.
"Not until you come again" he grunted with the effort of holding back. He reached his right hand around and started toying with you again. You cried out feeling already over sensitive, and tried to push his hand away but he had already made up his mind. "Come on baby, give me another one. I know you have it in you" he kissed the back of your shoulders as he slammed into you and pulled out quickly. The sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room. You looked in the mirror and saw both of your faces contorted in pleasure and your breasts bouncing and swaying with the movement. You cried out as you had your third orgasm, and he pushed in a few final times before you felt him twitch inside of you and he slammed in one last time and he went remarkably still. He kissed the back of your shoulders again and moaned as he filled you up like you had begged. He waited until your walls stopped flexing and contorting before he slowly pulled out. You felt both of your bodily fluids dripping out of you and running down your inner thighs.
"Stay like that" he ordered and he went to the tub to grab the washcloth neither of you had used. He came back and ran it under warm water at the sink and he cleaned up your inner thighs and core. You felt pleasurably sore and hummed with the loving tenderness he was showing you. Once he was done, he put the wash cloth to hang up and picked up his t-shirt off of the floor. "Turn around" he ordered again. You stood up to your full height and turned around a little unsurely with your legs still feeling like jelly. You saw him coming at you with the shirt and raised your hands. He put the shirt on you, and then kissed you lovingly on the forehead before grabbing his boxers and sliding them on. "I'll clean this up in the morning, we need to get you a nap" Bucky picked you up and carried you out of the bathroom. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and hummed softly.

"Wait. A nap?" you asked, still feeling a little foggy in the brain. "You think I'm done with you?" he chuckled as he got into the bedroom.
"Wait, we are going to get the bed wet" you tried to get away before he set you down on the bed.
"That's not the only thing I'm making wet tonight" his lips captured yours and you were lost in sensations again.

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