Together again

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It didn't take you long to pack up the things you had brought over to Sam's place, with Sam having come in the bedroom to help you. Bucky stood at the doorway watching you with a relieved smile on his face, knowing that you were finally coming home. Bucky stepped in once the two bags had been filled and quickly took them from both you and Sam. He stopped in the living room long enough to grab your roses, while you grabbed your chocolate crepe and coffee. To your surprise Bucky led you back towards the new suite, and he proudly opened the door. The room was already filled with boxes everywhere, and the two cats were laying on the couch. You also saw that several of your book cases were brought over and took up most of the available space on the wall. You went to the fridge to drop off your crepe since it was nearly supper and looked at the room, marveling that it was nearly perfect.
"When did you have time to do this?" you asked in surprise.
"Stevie helped me bring over the bookcases last night. They finished my room a day early. I cleaned out your old suite and brought it all over here since I couldn't sleep" he flushed a bit.
"How did you know we were staying together?" you blanked out.
"I was determined not to lose you, I had more fight left in me" he walked towards you and put his hands down on your hips. "I was willing to do anything to have you talk to me, to get you back" he whispered, his lips on yours again.
"I'm surprised you remembered what it takes for me to forgive someone after I get mad at them" you referred to the crepe and coffee.
"Everything to do with you is important for me to remember" he whispered. "Don't leave me like that again" he rested his forehead against yours. "I was such an idiot," he admitted.
"I was an idiot for letting it go that long," you whispered. "I wanted to tell you I was going back to work, but I didn't know if we broke up or not" you licked your lips, looking at him earnestly.
"I'd never break up with you" he said a little gruffly. "It was physically painful not to be with you this week. Not to hold you when you had anxiety... not to kiss you goodnight, or have you in my arms when I woke up"
"I'm sure Sam is grateful to have his bed back" you giggled.
"I even missed Sam talking to me" he sighed heavily.
"Sam didn't talk to you?" you asked in surprise.
"Wouldn't even look at me," he admitted. "I was trying to find out how you were doing, and he wouldn't even acknowledge me"
"He is a protective older brother" you wrapped your arms around his neck and he leaned down to kiss you softly on the lips again. "I love you, never forget that"
"I love you more than you'll ever know" he rubbed his nose against yours. "I never want to be the reason you cry again"
"There are good tears too," you pointed out.
"I'll accept the good ones" he gave you another chaste kiss.
"We have a lot of unpacking to do" you looked around the room.
"Not tonight, tonight I need you" he whispered, shaking his head.
"I think I need you too" you sighed, leaning more into him. "But this is a mess" you glanced at the boxes.
"We will find the time," he promised. "We should get to supper" he looked at the time on his watch.
"Yeah, I know. It's mandatory" you huffed. Bucky quickly picked you up off of your feet and you giggled, holding onto him extra tightly. "I can walk"
"I'm not letting you go," he shook his head. "I'm not wasting another second"

Bucky carried you down to the supper table, and there were a few relieved looks shared amongst the team. Even Loki looked pleased seeing Bucky carrying you like a bride into the room. As soon as you took your seat, he took the spot next to you and put his hand on your lap almost immediately. As soon as the meal was over, Bucky didn't miss a beat, he grabbed your dishes and brought them into the kitchen before he came back and scooped you back up into his arms again and carried you back up to your shared suite. As soon as he walked in he kicked the door closed, making both cats look up and study him in surprise. He slowly set you to your feet and he reached behind him and locked the door. You arched an eyebrow, and he grabbed you by the back of your neck, pulling you flush against his body and his lips hungrily sought out yours. His tongue danced with your own as he deepened the kiss and his vibranium hand reached down to the curve of your ass and he gave you a soft squeeze.
"I need you" he whispered huskily, pulling back from the kiss and you whimpered in response. He reached down with both hands and picked you up by your hips and you quickly wrapped your legs around his waist as he started taking long strides towards the bedroom. His strong lips sought out yours again as he blindly reached for the blinds and closed them. He bent forward until your back touched the satin blanket underneath you and he pulled back from the kiss and gazed down at you lovingly. You looked around the room and saw it too was full of boxes, both partially open and closed.
"We have a lot of unpacking to do" you whispered, not wanting to stop but at the same time you knew it had to be done.
"There's only one thing I'm unpacking tonight" Bucky shook his head and pulled his shirt off over his head, throwing it carelessly to the side. You sat up partially on the bed and he reached for the hem of your t-shirt. He slowly pulled up on it until it was over your head, and it quickly joined his on the floor.
"What's that going to be?" you purred to him as he quickly went to kiss you on the side of your neck and making his way towards your breasts. He growled at the bra that was hindering his progress, and reached behind you to unclasp it. He nearly ripped the flimsy fabric as he pulled it off of you.
"Just you, the most important one in this room" he took your right nipple past his lips and nipped softly before starting to suck softly on the tender flesh. His one hand kept your breast steady, while his other hand toyed with the other breast, kneading and toying with the other hardened bud. He kissed a trail to your left side and gave it the same attention, waiting until both nipples were impossibly hard. He started kissing a trail down your stomach, and his fingers went to the front of your jeans. He unbuttoned them, then pulled down the zipper before he put his fingers under the waistband of both your jeans and panties and he gave a sharp tug. You raised your hips to aid him, and he pulled them all of the way off. You saw him pull down his sweat pants and boxer briefs in one quick movement and saw that he was already hard and waiting for you. You spread your legs, inviting him in, but he got down on the floor in front of you. You sat up quickly, wanting to argue that you needed him. He pushed you back and put your thighs over his shoulders and he quickly graced your folds with a long lick from your core to your clit. He put his left arm over your hips and used his thumb to pull back on the hood of your clit so you were completely bared to him. You tensed your thighs around him and he hummed to himself as he started to nips, suck, and flick at your clit with his tongue. You started rolling your hips with his ministrations. You brought your hands down to pull softly at his hair, to give him guidance on where you wanted him to go. He brought his right hand up and started pressing in two fingers to start. You threw your head back as he started pumping his fingers in and out. He purposely curved his fingers against your g-spot a few times causing you to cry out his name. Your cries started coming closer together, and you were so close to your orgasm when he suddenly pulled back and took away his hand. You looked at him confused, and he reached for your hand. You took his hand and he pulled you to your feet. His hands went to your hips, while his lips went to yours. You could taste yourself on his tongue, but you didn't care, you just wanted him to finish what he started. He pulled up on your hips and you hopped up and wrapped your legs around his waist. He easily handled your weight and took a few steps backwards then turned until your back was against the wall. He lined himself up with your core and he pushed in eagerly, like he couldn't wait anymore. He moaned your name against your lips. As soon as he bottomed out, he stood still for a moment to give you time to adjust to his size.
"Fucking welcome home" he groaned, leaning down to kiss you on the collar bone and giving it a soft nip. "I can't wait anymore" he said gruffly and started moving slowly inside of you. You rolled your hips with each of his trusts. He started going a little rougher, rubbing you in just the right way that the coil of your orgasm snapped and you cried out his name. "That's right, and no other man will ever touch you" he growled as your walls fluttered around him. He started pushing your more into the wall to the point you swore you heard the wall crack. He slowly picked up the pace, snapping his hips into you while kissing your collarbone, side of your neck and your earlobe. He slowly made his way back to your lips with a soft pant from exertion. You felt yourself building up to another high, and you cried out against his lips. His movements started getting sloppy as he tried to catch up to you. You cried out his name for a second time, your back arching with the force of your orgasm and he grunted as he thrust in one final time and he cried out your name. You felt him release inside of you and he remained still, and unmoving. He claimed your lips again in a soft, lingering, and promising kiss. He carried you back towards the bed and sat down while he was still inside of you and he leaned his head on your shoulder. You rubbed your hands up and down his back reassuringly and he gave you soft kisses. You went to move, but his hands cemented you to his lap.
"Just wait, sugar," he whispered. "I want to feel you" he could still feel your walls fluttering around him. You purposely flexed your walls around him and he groaned, while twitching inside of you. "Keep doing that, and we will be on round two" he warned you and you giggled. Your breathing finally evened out, and you leaned more into him, your hands just continuously exploring his back. "I love you" he whispered, looking at you with so much emotion that your eyes teared up.
"I love you" you played with the hair at the nape of his neck.
"Just stay like this with me for a little bit" he nuzzled back into your neck again. You nodded, understanding he needed this and just held him close.

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