Late nights and early mornings

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You got all of your makeup off, and put your hair up into a ponytail before padding your way into your bedroom. You slipped into the closet and changed into one of the nightgowns that Loki had picked out in a dark blue, putting on your lace dark blue panties to match. You noticed your closet was looking a little more bare, but knew you had Loki to thank for that. All of your previous undergarments were gone now, and you only had the new ones left. You normally like to wash them first, but in this case you knew it was inevitable.
You slipped back into the living room to grab a book before coming back through to the balcony door with Alpine and Aurora quickly behind you. Bucky looked up and a smile went across his face, almost making your heart stop.
"Wow" Bucky stood up slowly, taking your appearance in. "Loki's makeover?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.
"Yes," you blushed, and bit your bottom lip.
"I'll have to thank him" he mused softly, so much so that you barely heard it. "Did you get a robe for if you have to leave your room?" he asked quickly.
"No, I wish I would have thought of it. I normally wear just old t-shirts to bed" you admitted.
"Maybe we will see one tomorrow at the farmers market" he winked at you. "Are you going to sit down?" he asked expectantly.
"Sure" you sat down at the end, giving him his space. He sat down quickly and reached out his arm for you. The moment his hand touched your arm, you bit your bottom lip and scooted over so you were right under his right arm and cuddled up to him. You smiled secretly to yourself that he still wanted your cuddles, and your mind was still reeling from the amazing kiss not even half an hour ago. His lips made you feel alive in places that were starting to feel dead and unnecessary at this point. He rubbed his hand up and down your arm, and you were already feeling the heat pool between your legs. Such simple touches were turning you on.
"Is this okay?" he asked in a soft whisper as he took out his book.
"More than okay" you nodded, looking up at him with a smile. "I warned you, I'm high maintenance" you shrugged.
"Not even close, doll" he chuckled, pulling you in a little closer. "Can I do something?" he asked softly.
"I've got this" you giggled and put your book down to crawl up on his lap and nuzzled into the side of his neck before taking your book out again. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you tightly before opening his book again.
"You've already got me figured out" he whispered.
"Well, you seem to like the cuddles as much as I do" you raised your head slightly and bit your bottom lip as you looked at him.
"Do you know how badly I want to kiss you every time I see you bite your lip like that?" he internally groaned as he looked at you, and flushed when he admitted it out loud.
"You do have the best kisses" you blushed, continuing to bite softly on your bottom lip.
"Is it really open invitation?" he asked in a soft whisper. You nodded your head yes, and he put his book down and hesitantly lowered his lips to yours. You felt like your skin came alive again, as his lips caressed yours. You sighed softly against him and he tilted his head slightly to get a better angle. You felt his tongue brush your lower lip and you opened your mouth to him as his tongue plunged into your mouth again. You dropped your book carelessly on the ground and wrapped your arms around his neck and you bent your elbows so you could card your fingers through his hair. He brought one hand up and put it behind your head, trying to pull you impossibly closer. You sighed into the kiss and he pushed into you more. He finally had the good sense to pull back for a moment to give you a moment to breathe and you panted slightly, looking at him with hooded eyes. He looked at you hungrily and you wanted to squirm in his lap feeling the heat pool between your legs, and the butterflies fill your stomach. You had goosebumps on top of your goosebumps from the way that he was touching you.
"I'm trying to behave myself, but you are making it hard" Bucky whispered to you, and you almost giggled since his erection was digging into you.
"Would it be easier if I wasn't on your lap?" you asked in a soft tone, silently hoping he would say no.
"No, I like you where you are sugar" he gave a flirty grin and you flushed a bit.
"That's a new one" you bit your bottom lip and his gaze flicked to your lips automatically.
"You're sweet as sugar" his voice went down an octave as he continued to stare at your lips.
"I'd better grab my book" you slid off his lap for a moment. You needed to gather your senses. You had one date, and you already wanted to jump his bones. You stooped down to pick up your book and stood back up before looking at Bucky trying to decide if you should sit beside him instead. He tapped his lap expectantly and you slipped back onto his lap again. He took out his book again, so you mirrored his actions. You were enjoying the soft night breeze, and the warmth radiating off of his body. He was certainly keeping you warm, in more ways than one. You were silently glad that the bedroom light was sufficient enough to make sure you could continue reading. You barely noticed as your eyes began to close again.
"Come on doll, let's get you to bed" Bucky gave you a kiss on top of your head and you nodded sleepily. You stood up and he stood up quickly behind you. You turned around and snaked your arms around his chest and he gave a soft chuckle, and he embraced you quickly.
"I'll see you in the morning" you took a step back and saw he was grinning to himself.
"I'll be the one knocking on your door" he promised softly.
"Good night Bucky, I had a lot of fun today" you whispered, and picked up Aurora who mewed pitifully, not wanting to stop snuggling Alpine. Alpine quietly jumped up onto Bucky's shoulder and you headed back into your bedroom. You saw Bucky waiting for you to get into bed. You gave a shy smile turning off the light and got quickly into bed, your mind still reeling from the stolen kisses of the evening.

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