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By the time the three men left you were half asleep on Bucky's lap. They had promised to keep your little secret about the twins, and spoke in hushed voices for a majority of the evening. You were on cloud nine as it was, and didn't care if you ever came down. Steve made sure the door was closed as he left and Bucky had asked Friday to dim the lights long ago. You were drinking a cold bottle of water at this point, and ready for bed. Bucky was running his hands through your hair as you laid across his lap, and just sat there watching you with a soft smile on his face.
"What?" you finally asked.
"Marry me," Bucky said suddenly with a small smile spreading across his face.
"I'm already marrying you" you giggled, thinking he was back to that game.
"Keep marrying me for all the wrong reasons" he brushed his fingers along the nape of your neck.
"You said the next time you asked, you would make sure it was the right time. And it was the right time, you don't need to keep asking," you rolled your eyes.
"True, but you are carrying my twins," he quickly agreed. "But nights like tonight make it hard not to ask you again to make sure" he winked.
"Nights like tonight?" you echoed in confusion.
"Where you seem so happy and at peace" he whispered. "My personal Angel come down to shine some goodness into my life"
"You brought plenty of goodness into my life, James" you cooed.
"The day I met you I was struck. I was so sure that God put you on this earth to be mine and mine alone. Everything you said and did mesmerized me. I needed to have you, but I felt like I wasn't good enough to have you. Now, what feels like years later, I finally have you. And I wake up everyday wanting to make sure that it keeps happening for the rest of our lives, and I keep wanting to ask you to marry me" he said, his face contorted as though he was deep in thought. "I keep thinking of the grandest ways I can ask you. I could fly you to Paris, and ask you on top of the Eiffel tower. I could take you to the cabin and have the whole place decked out in roses and ask you there. None of these ideas seem good enough or grand enough in comparison to how I feel about you because those places mean nothing because they're not home. You are.home to me so, nothing would make me happier or prouder than to have you as my wife. It's my endgame" he admitted and gave you a soft kiss. "My promise is to be the best husband I can to you, and I'll always be by your side. I'm with you till the end of the line, doll" he said softly whispering into the room.
"Under every circumstance I will marry you James, be it bad times or good. I'm not changing my mind," you gave a half smile, blushing a brilliant red.
His lips immediately found your own in a seal of his promise of love to you. As his tongue danced with your own, your thoughts went blank. You barely noticed that he had picked you up, nor did you notice him carrying you into the bedroom and laying you flat on your back. His lips never once left your own, as you felt like you were nearly floating with all the love that you felt for him.

"I'm overflowing with so much love for you that I have to show you how much you mean to me as well, my dear fiancé," Bucky muttered against your skin before leaving a trail of kisses in his wake.

"I couldn't agree more, James," you said in an airy tone, reaching with both hands to grip at his hair as he lowered himself to his knees and he hummed to himself as he looked at you in your cream sweater dress that you had been wearing, and the sky blue leather knee high boots. He kissed your stomach and gazed up at you with so much love you thought you would never come down from your high that he had given you just by proposing. You maintained eye contact with him as his hands slipped down to the zipper on your boots and he slowly pulled them down on each leg and pulled the boots off of you. He then got up on the bed and settled himself between your legs and kissed a trail from your stomach to the bottom of your dress where he stopped at your thigh, and he took a piece between his teeth and did a playful tug. You giggled, and he put his hands on either side of your thighs and started to pull the dress up. You bent your knees so he could get the dress up from under your body to your shoulders. He kissed your skin as it became visible, and you sat up as it bunched up under your back and he pulled the dress off the rest of the way. He kissed a trail from between your breasts up to your lips as the dress fell to the side of the bed and he claimed them as his own again.
"I'm going to worship this body of yours" he said, pulling back from the kiss. He nipped at your bottom lip before he sat back to see you sitting clad in your champagne colored satin panties and bra. He pressed his lips to your collarbone as he reached behind you and unclasped your bra. The bra fell forward and he sat back and pulled the material off of you, putting it to the side. "I'm going to start with these" he added shortly after and his right hand went to one breast, and his lips went to the other breast and covered the nipple swiftly. He nibbled and sucked it like a man starved, while his other hand gently massaged your other breast and pinched at the nipple until it was peaked. He pulled back with an audible pop and switched places, his vibranium hand coming up to toy with his recently vacated spot and he gave the other side the same loving attention. "You're so perfect" he murmured as he teeth pulled slightly, rocking your body with pleasure. You gave an audible moan and ran your fingers through his hair. "I should probably be saying grace before my meal" he winked at you as he looked down at your panties. "Dear Y/N, please forgive me for what I'm about to do" he chuckled and pushed you down gently back onto your back. You bent your legs again and lifted your hips as his hands went to either side of your panties and instead of pulling them down like you anticipated, he ripped either side, and pulled the rag away and threw it over his shoulder. He kissed a trail from your breasts to your belly button and he paused for a moment before he moved down further. He settled himself between your legs and smacked his lips, licking them loudly.
"Did you know you look really good naked?" he asked. "Especially from this point of view" he added as he licked you from your core to your clit. His hands ran up and down your thighs and squeezed when he got to the base. He wrapped his left arm around your hip and he used his thumb to pull up on the hood of your clit. His right hand went to your folds and separated them to reveal your most private area to him. "My favorite flower," he said in awe before pushing forward and licked between your folds again and stopping at your clit. He wrapped his lips around your sweet spot and his tongue flicked quickly and you brought your hands down to his hair and pulled. He grunted, then growled and went in with more fervor. You cried out as you started to climb your high, and you pulled even more on his hair to pull him in more. You started rocking your hips while he sucked loudly at your clit.
"That's right, ride my fucking face doll" Bucky growled and continued his assault. You cried out as the first orgasm hit. He slipped his two fingers from his right hand and he started finger fucking you through your high. You fell back onto the bed in bliss and he kissed your lower lips.
"Fuck" you said breathlessly.
"Oh I'm planning on it" Bucky promised. "Gonna make you scream my name, doll" he added as he rolled off the bed. He quickly undressed and his erection stood out proudly on his nearly hairless lower region of his body. "Do you like what you see?" he asked a little cockily.
"I love what I see," you purred. He got on the bed again and pulled up on your calves, and putting your ankles on his broad shoulders before pushing forward and entering you without any more hesitation. You felt like you could feel him in your cervix as he bottomed out when he was fully inside of you. He moaned and stilled, waiting for you to fully adjust to him. Once you fully adjusted to his size he slowly started moving while his right hand between your legs and he started flicking your sensitive nub, and rubbing it sensually. He slowly picked up his speed, shaking the bed as he pushed into you. You cried out as you had a second mini orgasm, but Bucky didn't stop. You dropped your legs to wrap them around his waist to pull him in more. He reached around you and pulled you up off the bed. He sat down, taking your spot on the bed and you started riding him. You would make your way to the tip and then push yourself back down again. He claimed your lips again and you shared a passionate kiss, and he swallowed your moans. He growled deep in his throat and he started pumping his hips upwards. You felt yourself reaching your third orgasm and you clenched down on him and he grunted as he tried to hold back his own orgasm. You stilled as you cried out his name and he bit down on your shoulder, in passion. You felt him release into you, and it overflowed and you felt it start seeping out as he stayed inside of you. You both panted, feeling truly as though you both had become one.
"Fuck I love you" Bucky panted. "I need you again" he added as he twitched inside of you.
"You fucked my brains out" you burst out laughing.
"I'll do it again," he said proudly.
"I love you James" you cooed to him.
"I'm going to love you for the rest of our lives, and then beyond that" he sighed as he pulled out of you. You felt his juices and your own running down your legs as you stood up. "Stay here" he commanded and got up. He went to the bathroom and got a warm washcloth and came back to wipe down between your legs. You kissed him softly on the lips and you moved past him and went to go to the bathroom quickly. When you came back you crawled into the center of the bed and Bucky quickly got in behind you and wrapped his arms around you. He pulled you in close and kissed you on the back of your shoulder. You looked at your new engagement ring and sighed happily.
"How long have you had this?" you asked him in hushed tones.
"Since right after our third date" he admitted, and you burst out laughing.
"Bucky!" you giggled.
"I knew from the start I needed you in my life" he chuckled. "I'll always love you and need you my adoring fiance" he kissed you again.
You closed your eyes and just focused on the feeling of your two bodies intertwined together and his body pressed against your own. You took a few deep breaths and slowly fell asleep in his arms.
Bucky stayed awake thinking of all the gristly things he had seen on missions, but they were quickly fading away with your presence. He only needed you in his life, and nothing else mattered. He closed his eyes in anticipation of the life the two of you were about to share.


thank you for the help :) <3

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