The weekend

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It was nearly supper time when Bruce turned down the music. You were still in your groove with both Alpine and Aurora purring beside you on your desk.
"Come on Sunshine, it's time to eat. You are done for the week" Bruce spoke up and broke your concentration.
"I'm not done with the data" you pouted.
"That's okay. We will work on it on Monday. Come on" he came over and picked up both cats who snuggled into him. You shut down your station and followed him out. He put them on a small table that had two cat food dishes and water and they both started to dig in hungrily.
"Welcome to the main compound" Pepper and Happy exclaimed as you came into the dining room. You jumped a little and gave a shy smile.
"We are ecstatic you are finally here" Pepper added, getting up to give you a hug. "Did you like your new suite?"
"It's huge" you blushed.
"It's one of the smaller ones" Happy let you know right away.
"Did you like the colors? We had to pick Sam's brain for it" she continued and went back to her seat.
"I love all of it. It seems so expensive" you blushed sitting down.
"Tony spares no expense. He's had it ready for months" she added slyly. "Everyone is still headed back from their missions, so you have the night to yourself and Aurora" she smiled.
"But it would be nice to have you come down and watch a movie with us" Happy added quickly.
"I saw a soaker tub with jets in my bedroom, I think I'll be busy" you giggled.
"We all like that feature" Bruce grinned. "Nat always takes a bath after a long mission"
"We heard you have a sweet tooth" Happy smiled. "So we have brownies for dessert" he passed you a platter full of food to put on your plate. You quickly took what you wanted and passed it to Bruce.
"Did you need bubble bath?" Pepper asked after a moment.
"No, I have some in my favorite scent, thank you though. I took baths at the other place too" you admitted gently.
"Sam is going to be excited, he doesn't have to travel nearly as far now that you live here" Thor smiled to you.
"This is going to be a little weird. I'm used to him just walking into my apartment whenever he wanted, without a heads up" you giggled slightly.
"That likely will not change. He does that to Bucky and Steve as well" Loki let you know. "He tried that on me, but received a dagger only a millimeter from his head for the effort. He learned quickly that I do not like to be disturbed when I am reading" he added devilishly.
"Is there assigned seating for meals?" you suddenly realized you might be in someone's spot.
"No, we just sit wherever is free" Bruce shook his head. "It's going to be nice to have both you and Sam at breakfast" he added with a smirk.
"Sam is a sweetheart, I love that he always comes over for breakfast. It's hard for me to get out of bed" you admitted.
"Tony has alarms set up throughout the compound" Pepper let you know gently. "Sam will probably teach you how to turn it off. A lot of us have already"
You gave a small nod and a smile, and concentrated on your meal while conversation went around the table. You weren't used to talking this much while you were eating, and you were used to being alone for your suppertime meal. You finished last, you noticed, but no one seemed to be bothered. Happy got up and went and grabbed the brownies and passed them around. You quickly ate yours and hummed happily while dancing in your seat at the treat. You didn't get around to having much sweets this week because you were always late to the last meal in Compound C and it was slim pickings. You had already eaten all of your fruit as well, from your night time snacks. Once you were done, you brought in your dishes and went to grab Aurora, but Alpine meowed at you pitifully.
"Thank you for the meal" you called in and looked at Alpine again.
"See you in the morning" Pepper smiled over her shoulder at you.
"Okay, come on" you went to Alpine and picked him up as well before heading towards your room.

When you got to your room, you quickly went searching for the book you had been reading, while putting the two cats on your couch. You texted Bucky a photo of the two cats snuggling together on your couch, and he sent you a heart in response. You felt thrilled that he answered so quickly.
"They look so cute" he texted you quickly after.
"They are getting along so well. Alpine seemed crushed when I went to take Aurora away from him after supper" you responded with a huge smile on your face.
"Well, I know where to find him when I get home," he wrote back a few minutes later.
"How far out are you?" you asked.
"A few more hours. I can't wait to sleep in my own bed" he responded and you bit your bottom lip, thinking he wouldn't be that far away from you now. "What are you up to now?" he asked.
"I'm headed for a bubble bath, and to curl up with a book. I'm almost done with the ones I bought" you let him know.
"I'm looking forward to going to the farmers market with you on Sunday. I'll carry your books again" he responded after a few minutes.
"Thank you" you sent a quick heart at the end and headed into the bathroom. You were truly excited to see him again. This week was nice. You felt really comfortable with him. It was going to be hard to live right next to him with the crush that you had on him. It seemed to be getting stronger after the last week and a half. You quickly filled the tub with warm water and bubble bath before slipping out of your clothes with a sigh, and slipping into the tub. You left the door open to the living room and your bedroom so that the cats would be able to move around freely. You went back to reading your book and surely enough the cats did come in for a visit. You turned on some love songs that you preferred and played it loudly as you read your book, once in a while dipping your hand out of the water to pet the two cats resting beside the bathtub. You got a cute photo at one point from Bucky of Sam sleeping on Nat's shoulder. You sent him a photo of Alpine and Aurora snuggled up on the little rug outside your tub. You finally finished your book and the water was getting cold so you got out and went directly into the shower to wash up properly. You noticed the two cats barely moved. When you got out you snuggled up into your towel and made your way into your bedroom. You quickly picked out a pair of shorts that were fairly short and a long plain white t-shirt. You went and grabbed both cats after putting your clothes in the laundry hamper and went to the balcony to watch the sunset.

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