First time together

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Bucky pulled away from the kiss, as it was getting very heated. You pouted slightly in disappointment, but he pulled you slightly to sit up again. He wrapped his arms around you, and put his legs on either side of yours, and pulled the blanket up so it was wrapped around your front. His lips kept finding their way to your earlobe or your neck as you sipped at your hot chocolate. He would pull away to have a drink of his own, but soon it was getting cold out. The promise of tonight rang through your head like a prayer. You were anxious, but excited to find out what he really felt like. You had spent so long dreaming about it, but you couldn't wait for it to happen. You had no doubts you were in for a whirlwind of sensations for the evening. You could feel his erection pressing up into the small of your back, since there was barely any space between the two of you. You purposely shimmied your hips a little bit to give him some friction while he peppered your neck with kisses as he moaned in response to your actions. You were proud that you could get him so sexually frustrated.
"You keep moving your hips like that and we aren't going to make it back to the compound" Bucky warned you softly in the shell of your ear.
"I can't help that I love the way your body feels against mine" you whispered a little bit shyly, but being honest with both him and yourself. He nipped lightly at the soft flesh of your earlobe in response and pulled you in even tighter into the intimate embrace. "What are you thinking about?" you asked softly.
"That I'm the luckiest man alive. I fell in love with you, and when I finally admitted it, it turns out you love me too" he kept his voice gentle. The breeze whipped past both of you as you continued to watch the sun slowly setting. "I brought something special for you" he pulled back and reached into the picnic basket. He pulled out two small cardboard containers with a fork secured to them with a red ribbon. He passed you one and you curiously opened it up and broke out into a smile. "It's not strawberry, but they can't have that in the main kitchen" he quickly explained while you looked at the cherry cheesecake.
"It's perfect" you leaned back and kissed him softly on the cheek before digging into your sweet treat. You gave a soft moan at your first bite, it was perfectly fluffy and the flavor exploded across your tastebuds. Bucky hummed from behind you while he was eating his own, trying to stay as close as possible to you so you didn't get a chill. You both quickly finished and put the empty containers back into the picnic basket. Bucky checked to see if your thermos was empty and added that to the basket before he drank the rest of his down quickly and put it away.
"Are you in a hurry?" you arched an eyebrow at him.
"No, but it's going to be harder to drive back in the dark" he pointed out, and you nodded in confirmation that you understood.
"I was enjoying our date" you sighed and started folding up the blanket.
"We will have plenty more. The only one that knows about this spot, I think, is Stevie" Bucky admitted with a smile. "He helped me find it"
"It's perfect" you cooed to him, and placed the blanket in the basket. You both got up and Bucky plucked up the sheet and put it haphazardly in the basket with a cheeky grin before he turned to you and rubbed his hands up and down your arms.
"Are you sure you want me to spend the night, knowing what I'd like..." he trailed off.
"It's what I want too" you reassured him, placing a hand on his cheek. Bucky closed the distance between the two of you and he brushed his lips against yours. You quickly kissed him back and he gave a bit of a moan, leaning in more and he started intuitively deepening the kiss. His hands came up to play in your hair, pulling you closer to him. Your hands slipped around to the back of his head and pulled softly at his hair and he gave a soft moan. The kiss became hungrier in a clash of tongue and teeth. Your nipples beaded against the fabric of your bra, and his right hand came out of your hair and went to your breast and he palmed at it at first, before he started to pinch and fold your nipple through the fabric. You could feel him straining against his jeans, and wanted nothing more than to help him with that.
"Bedroom" Bucky pulled back, panting for air. "The first time I make love to you, I want it to be in the bedroom" he kissed the tip of your nose.
"Well, lead the way then" you felt proud your voice didn't come out squeaky like you anticipated. You wanted to seem calm and level headed, but you had been waiting for this moment for so long. He had managed to make you cum without even putting his hands down your pants, you couldn't wait to see what he was going to do with you if you were both naked. He reached down and grabbed the basket and put it on the back of the ATV, before handing you your helmet and making sure it was secured on your head. He hopped on and waited for you to slip on behind him. You were quick to wrap your arms around him closely, wondering if he could feel the heat of your core through the back of his pants. You could feel that you were soaked from just the heated kiss.

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