A night in

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Your appointment with Doctor Sloan was exhausting, and you went up to Bucky's suite, hearing construction in your room going on as you passed by. You went into the bedroom to grab the large fluffy blue blanket that Bucky had, and brought it into the living room to lay down with it. Alpine and Aurora came in and got up on the side of your ribcage and hip to snuggle in. You continued reading the book that Bucky had gotten you from the farmers market, and nuzzled in. You found you couldn't concentrate. Your thoughts were still on your session with the good doctor, and the lights in the room flickered. One thing you could say for yourself, was today you didn't destroy the lightbulbs like you normally did. They just dangerously flickered throughout most of the session.
You reached for your phone and turned on some music, and it softly filled the room and you started singing to the music. You had to turn it up a few times because of the sound of construction coming from your previous room. It was definitely putting a damper on the idea that you would be getting a nap this afternoon.
You spent the afternoon finishing your one book, and moving on to the next one. You munched a little on some of the strawberries in the fridge when you got hungry. You didn't feel up for going downstairs for lunch, so you stayed to yourself. When it was getting close to suppertime Bucky came into the room with a bouquet of a dozen roses and grinned triumphantly at you as he closed the door behind him.
"How was your day?" he asked quickly, making his way to you.
"It's so much better, now that you are here" you cooed to him. He handed you the roses and you took a deep inhale of their scent. "Thank you" , you gave a full smile.
"Let me put these in water for you" he took them back and headed into the kitchenette. He cut the tips off of the roses with one of his knives, and put them into the already overflowing vase that he had brought over for you. You smiled softly at him, and he gave a full grin.
"How was your day?" you asked, putting your book to the side, wincing as you heard another hammer coming down, just on the other side of the wall.
"I kicked Sam and Steve's ass in sparring" he grinned mischievously and made his way back over to you. You moved more to the center cushion of the couch and he sat down beside you, putting his arm across your shoulders. "I did have some time to myself during lunch," he continued.
"I'm sorry, I didn't feel like being company" you whispered.
"Not why I told you" he shook his head, and took out his phone. He pulled up pinterest and showed you a robin egg blue living room with black furniture that looked a lot like his room, but there were photo's up on the walls, and a large mirror. "How about we decorate our suite so it feels more like a home for both of us?"
"Did Sam put you up to this?" you asked in surprise.
"No, I was thinking of it this morning. Since Tony is already doing construction it won't be much more for them to choose new colors for our rooms. We can decorate the walls, make it seem like we moved to a new place all together" he gave a grin. "We have a few days to decide," he added with a hopeful twinkle in his eyes.
"I do like the blue" you smiled at him.
"Good, I'll tell Tony. What about the bathroom, we don't need to keep it white" he started showing you idea's that he had saved to his phone. The two of you went over several different ideas together, but ended up agreeing on a sunset orange for the bathroom, and a moss green for the bedroom. You had lost track of time to the point you were late for supper, and you both giggled as you raced each other down the stairs to get to the dining room table. Bucky was quick to bring up the fact that he wanted to change the colors of the walls in his suite and Tony seemed on board with it. He quickly told you both to email him with your colors and he would make it happen. Pepper was quick to tell you your old suite was going to take a few days, and you nodded in confirmation that you understood.

That night Sam, Loki and Steve came to the suite, and sat down to relax. Bucky didn't miss a beat, but grabbed everyone a bottle of water before sitting down. He pulled you to sit across his lap, and you opened your new book to the first chapter. Bucky promptly started reading over your shoulder while Sam and Loki started reading their own books while Steve concentrated on his drawing. Construction seemed to be done in your old suite for the day, so the noise pollution was down. Bucky reached for his phone and turned on some love songs for you to listen to. You recognized a lot of the songs playing, and realized that he was playing one of your lists. You nuzzled more into him, and he rubbed his hand up and down your back in response.

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