A Friday night in

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For the rest of the week, you continued to wake up early and head down to the lab ahead of time. You completed the mission dockets for the week on Thursday afternoon, making sure to double check the data. Tony started loading the main jet with everything they would need for the mission, including two additional suits for him, a few med kits, and lots of weapons. It turned out that the formula Bruce was working on was a sleeping gas, so they could take more prisoners and less people would get hurt. You watched as he bottled it curiously, after he vented the room. The next two mornings were mainly getting some sass from Sam for spending too much time in the lab, but the rest of the team seemed to keep quiet about it, especially on Friday after they had a chance to review the mission and saw how extensive it was. You knew logically, not everything went to plan, but you hoped in this case it would. The three teams you had sent out tended to be home later at night, so you barely got to see Bucky or Sam. Nat had Bruce drop off a package from when she went to London, and it was another water globe, but of Big Ben. You put it beside your water globe of blue roses you had gotten from Clint. You thought it was cute that they seemed to think alike. Scott was due to come back from his vacation, so you scheduled him into the mission for next week. Rhody confirmed that he would be back in time from his current government mission so you scheduled him as well.
Now it was after nine o'clock at night and you were rewarding yourself with a glass of rose wine, a bubble bath, and a book. You had music playing softly in the background and were just enjoying the time alone. You had submitted for everyone to be on the big mission, and they all had the mission details in their emails as well. You had Friday running your assault on Hydra and felt blissful at the moment. You had worked hard this week, and enjoyed the extra large paycheck that you received today, from all the Saturdays you had worked the last year. Tony told you he had also factored in the hours that you likely worked for Shield while he was at it, and you were impressed to see how much money you had in your bank account again. You turned on the jets in the tub and watched as the bubble bath almost seemed to overflow. You had to turn them back off after a few minutes, not wanting to make a mess.
You were curious as to what Bucky chose for the date tomorrow, and tried to keep your mind off of it as you continued to read. It started to get into a particularly juicy part when you heard your suite door open, and close quickly. You raised your eyebrows since you had made a habit of not closing your door unless you were in the bath, like you were right now. You grabbed the face cloth and put it over your semi exposed chest, thankful the bubbles were there.
"Sexy legs, where are you at?" Sam called from your bedroom. You sighed softly and put your book on the side of the tub.
"I'm in the tub, enjoying some peace and quiet" you called and the door off your bedroom opened up and Sam came in and sat up on your bathroom counter, taking a bite of an apple.
"We just got in not that long ago. The boys are coming over to join us for some cuddle time, and we wanted to listen to some music. Maybe read a bit" he continued to eat his apple.
"I was having my private time" you raised your eyebrows at him.
"We've barely seen you all week. Besides, we spent the flight home going over the incredibly detailed mission dockets we received. It's going to take all weekend for us to get it memorized. We all worked hard this week, and need a break." Sam looked at you meaningfully.
"Pass me my towel" you sighed.
"I knew you would see it my way" he grinned triumphantly and slipped off of the counter. He opened the cupboard door and pulled out a fresh towel for you. He brought the towel over and waited expectantly. You finished drinking your wine, keeping his gaze and put the glass to the side.
"Sammy... turn around please," you instructed with a slight flush to your cheeks. He did as instructed, still holding the towel. You pulled the plug in the tub and stood up, and took the towel from his hand he was holding behind his back. You wrapped the towel around you, and stepped out. "Okay" you turned to grab your empty glass, your book and your cell phone.
"Here, let me get you a refill" Sam turned around and took your glass and book. "You get dressed" he gave a triumphant smile and you nodded and padded your way to the bedroom. You made sure both doors were closed before drying off. You heard Sam moving around in your living room, and the cats meowing loudly. You heard him rattle the treat bag and they both meowed even more, and you heard him open it and cooed to the cats while giving them treats. You went into the closet and put on a red nightgown that went to your knees, with a pair of red lace panties. You looked in the mirror and decided you looked better with your hair up in a high bun still. You grabbed the light blue sweater again and put it on, since your nipples were straining against the satin fabric from a slight chill in the air. You heard a knock on your suite door and it opens and a few sets of feet come in. You took a deep breath, and walked out.
"Hey doll" Bucky looked up from his spot on your loveseat. Loki, and Steve had the couch, while Sam had your chair with both cats on his lap. His eyes traveled over you, and he had a large grin on his face.
"Well, there you are, kitten. You're finally not in the lab" Loki smirked from his spot on the couch.
"Your wine, cuddle bug" Sam motioned to your glass in front of the loveseat.
"Thank you" you took your glass and sat on the loveseat. Bucky put his arm up behind you, and you put your feet up beside you, snuggling in slightly under his arm. You took a sip of your wine and hummed happily. "How were your missions today?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Quite easy, pet. We managed to infiltrate the base easily, and took our time to come home" Loki answered for his team.
"Pretty great, they didn't even know we were there" Steve grinned. "Not until after at least"
"Then it was too late, we had already taken off," Sam added with a proud smile.
"Not even a scratch" Bucky added gently.
"I saw you have your water globes both out" Loki leaned forward in his seat, and you took another sip of wine and nodded.
"Nat and Clint both bought them for me, I guess I'm starting a collection" you smirked and took another sip before putting the glass on the table, and leaning back into Bucky.
"How was your day in the lab?" Bucky brought his arm down across your shoulders and pulled you in a little closer. Your thoughts had gone back to the kiss from a few nights ago, and a flush went across your cheeks. Loki looked at you in surprise, but didn't say anything.
"It was good. I finished the mission dockets, but I guess you have seen them already. I scheduled in Scott, since he's back, and Rhody since he's available. It should make the mission a bit easier" you smiled proudly.
"The way you have it scheduled, it shouldn't be any more than a few days, it's impressive for that large of a base" Steve complimented you.
"That's the hope, then you'll have the rest of the week off" you nodded in approval.
"Where's the music?" Sam piped up. You flushed slightly and pulled your cell phone out of your sweater pocket. You had paused the music while you had been getting dried off, and flipped through the different playlists.
"What about that one" Bucky pointed to your playlist that just said "love songs".
"Are you sure?" you smiled at him.
"I'm sure" he nodded quickly, rubbing his hand up and down your arm. You gave a small smile and turned on the music. Sam took a book out from behind him, where it was in his waistband, and started reading. Steve opened his sketchbook, while Loki magically got a book out of thin air. You grabbed your book off the coffee table, leaning back under Bucky's arm again and paused to look at him.
"Where's your book?" you asked, arching one of your eyebrows.
"I'm reading what you are reading" he gave his flirty smile. You couldn't help but giggle slightly and shrugged and opened your book so it was in front of both of you. You purposely started at the beginning again, and you read slowly to really enjoy the moment with him.
"This was much needed," Loki sighed after a while. "I appreciate that you extended the invitation, Sam" he looked over with a small smile on his face. "It's been a long week"
"I know our cuddle bug likes having you around, and you don't leave your room enough" Sam shrugged.
"I regret I didn't get here sooner, I could have helped her with her hair and makeup for the evening" Loki gave you a sly grin.
"I think she looks beautiful without it" Bucky's voice came from beside you, and you looked at him with flushed cheeks. He gave his flirty grin and gave you a wink.
"Were you always a ladies man?" Sam asked quickly.
"Always" Steve confirmed.
"I'm a one woman man, I've changed" Bucky flushed a bit.
"That's true" Steve nodded. "You are reading a romance novel instead of one of your books on science to impress a girl" he chuckled.
"I'm taking part in Y/N's interests. Besides, she said she always wanted a fella that would read these with her" Bucky shrugged. "The book is good so far, it's got an interesting story line"
"What's it about?" Sam grinned.
"A princess who runs away from an arranged marriage, only to fall into the hands of the lycan king who is in the process of wooing her. I think he wants to make her his girl" Bucky's face screwed up thoughtfully. "We are still reading"
"You are reading about a lycan king?" Sam looked at you surprised.
"It's interesting," you giggled. "Can you imagine, lycans and vampires being real?"
"I wouldn't put it past hydra to try to make a serum for that" Steve shook his head, going back to his sketching.
"Oh, they've tried" you shrugged. "They've been failing miserably. It's one of the major bases we might hit in the future. They're not in the human testing phase yet, so I don't have them marked as an urgent base"
"Wait, they are really going to try that?" Sam asked incredulously.

"They have been trying, but the serum's are all a flop. They tested on a few rats to see the effects, but all it does is kill them. They can't move phases without further testing, and having at least one success. They did make a few power serums, but they haven't succeeded in those either. Well, they had one success, but the rat died after a few days because they overdosed it" you admitted. "I've been watching it carefully"
"They are trying to make enhanced?" Steve seemed interested, and put his pencil down.
"It's in your weekly report, Captain. The whole team gets the summary of the data in your emails. Doesn't anyone read them?" you asked curiously.
"I have been," Bucky gave a grin. "I knew about that, you should have too, punk"
"I skim over the weekly reports" Steve blushed slightly. He took out his phone and you saw him scrolling and starting to read the emails a lot closer.
"I'll admit I don't read them every week" Sam spoke honestly. "I figure you'll tell me what's important. They sounded kind of important, sexy legs"
"It's not important yet, it's a major base that's slotted for the future. Right now they are just playing with serums, nothing has come to fruition" you shook your head. "They even tried replicating the super soldier serum, but it didn't work out the way they wanted it to. I watched some of the video's, it's terrifying. Think Red Skull, but only a fluffy bunny rabbit. The poor thing"
"That's awful" Steve looked up, his interest still piqued.
"Looks like I have a lot of reading to do" Sam took out his phone and started reading back on the weekly reports you had been sending out. You noticed that Loki just went back to his book, so you opened your's back up and Bucky started reading with you again. You found your eyes were getting heavy, so you nuzzled more into Bucky. He took the book from you and held it open for you. You gave a yawn, and put your hand over your mouth. He looked at you with a slight grin on his face, and rubbed his other hand up and down your side. Aurora jumped up on the couch, and went to settle on your hip, emitting a loud purr. Your eyes started to close on their own, and your jaw went slack as you started to doze on Bucky's chest.
"Looks like that's our queue, she's worked hard this week" Steve whispered, looking over to see Bucky was still reading, but had a huge smile on his face while you were cuddled into him.
"We all have, but it's basically a cake walk compared to next week" Sam frowned. He put down his phone and book on the coffee table and walked over towards you. Aurora jumped down and padded her way into the bedroom. "Let me take her" he put one arm under your knees and the other under your shoulders and picked you up. He brought you into your bedroom and laid you down in the center of your bed. When he came back everyone was already making their way out. Bucky was last to leave, putting your book on the coffee table, seeming deep in thought.
"What is it, Tinman?" Sam asked expectantly.
"It's our third date tomorrow" Bucky looked up with a smile.
"That's an important one." Sam smirked and grabbed his phone and book off the table. "You planning on asking her to be your girl?"
"Would you be okay with it if I did?" Bucky asked hopefully.
"Just don't hurt her, that's all I ask" Sam nodded.

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