Before the big mission

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You limped into the dining room, and saw a majority of the team was already suited up. You saw Scott and Rhody were even seated, and Scott waved at you happily.
"Hey Y/N! I heard you haven't been staying out of trouble. You're not taking something out of my playbook are you?" Scott teased.
"No, I have my own playbook" you giggled and sat down gingerly.
"What happened to your leg?" Rhody looked a little worried, you had a feeling Tony had been keeping him appraised that Hydra was on the lookout for you.
"I twisted my ankle tripping over a rock" you frowned a bit and Clint chuckled.
"You're worse than me" he shook his head.
"At least mine aren't life threatening" you countered quickly. "You had better stay safe on this mission, or else Laura will kill me" you warned him.
"You have me the furthest away from the action," Clint reminded you.
"Since when do you listen to me?" you asked quickly as Bucky took one side and Sam the other of you sitting down.
"Guilty" he nodded, giving you that.
"Are you sure you want me to grow big for this mission?" Scott asked quickly.
"Tony and Steve approved it, I need you to destroy the weapons factory after Shield has emptied it out. We can't leave it all to Bruce" you gave a small nod.
"We spent the weekend relaxing since there's going to be a lot of Hulk smashing coming up" Nat looked over at Bruce lovingly.
"It was a pretty good weekend" Bruce flushed under the sudden attention.
"Just to be clear, you are grounded to base until we get back" Tony looked at you pointedly. "I don't want you leaving the compound"
"I'll be in the lab all week until you get back, so that's no problem" you felt anxiety gnawing at you. You were starting to get a bad feeling, and thought about the safe room. "No one but Pepper and Happy will be able to get in the safe room while you're gone right?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, and the room went dead silent.
"Just them, until we get back. If you have to use the security protocols, Pepper and Happy will be escorted by the Iron Legion to one of my mansions, and you will be locked in the panic room. Rhody and I will get the message if we are high enough off of the ground, and one of us will come and check on you. You should be fine" Tony said, but you could tell in his voice he didn't fully believe it himself.
"Tony put the four computers you are using in the panic room, so you'll be in there if anyone breaks in" Pepper told you gently, looking to Tony.
"After what Loki told me today, I'd just feel better if you worked in there instead of the lab" Tony admitted.
"What happened?" Peter asked, looking at you worriedly.
"Is princessa in trouble?" Pietro demanded.
"Maybe one of us should stay behind" Wanda looked at Tony, her voice wavering slightly.
"You are all needed for the mission, I'm going to be fine" you didn't want to think about it.
"You asked me if Hydra found you kitten, and they were searching for you at the farmer's market. We need to be careful" Loki spoke frankly, not wanting to lie to the team. You didn't think it would hurt that much to hear it out loud. You already suspected it.
"I'm not afraid" you spoke firmly. "They should be afraid of me"
"I think that's the problem. They might be" Tony looked at you as food was being passed around. "You've done a lot of damage this week. It would be good if you stopped, and slipped back into the shadows for a few weeks after this"
"I'm not running from them" you shook your head.
"Spoken like a true warrior" Thor grinned at you.
"No, she needs to be smart about this. We know she's a target" Rhody spoke up.
"You've already taken all your precautions, she will be safe here" Vision put his hand in Wanda's. "If they attack the compound, they will be sorry they have done so. It is to my understanding even our private rooms get locked down if the panic room is activated" he looked to Tony for confirmation, who nodded in affirmation.
"Why are we talking about this? It's you guys that are going to be in danger" you pointed out with a bit of a frustrated huff. "I'm worried about all of you"
"We signed up, knowing the danger. You signed up to work in an office" Steve spoke softly.
"I knew it would be dangerous when I signed the contract. I'm still not scared" you shook your head, even though your heart was racing. You were worried, and you were trying not to show your panic. You were worried for the team, and had already scheduled Doctor Cho to come back early from vacation when you got word the team was on their way back. You stabbed your fork into your food and angrily took a bite, trying not to show your anxiety. Your breaths started getting shallow again, and you knew you lost that battle with yourself. Bucky put down his fork and turned in his chair and grabbed you by your hips and pulled you onto his lap. You nuzzled your face into the side of his neck and he held you close, rubbing his hands up and down your back.
"When did this happen?" Scott whispered loudly.
"That's what happens when you take a month off work, slacker" Clint chuckled.
"Bucky finally made a move?" Scott seemed excited to see the latest gossip.
"He did, he stole my cuddle bug" Sam nodded, looking at you worriedly.
"May I?" Loki asked you, and you gave a small nod. "She's worried about the team, not for herself" he gave an exasperated sigh. "She's still mad at herself for opening that email"
"You can't protect us from everything, cuddle bug" Sam spoke softly, and looked over at you where you were nuzzled into Bucky. Everyone ate in silence, understanding a little better now how much you took their safety into account.
"We will be careful" Nat promised softly. Bucky continued to rub your back until your breathing evened out and he pulled back to place a kiss on top of your head.
"I'm okay now" you whispered to him.
"We will all be careful, okay?" he whispered, giving the top of your head another kiss. You nodded and slipped off of his lap and went back to your meal. You didn't feel like eating, but at the same time, you felt like stress eating. The food didn't taste that good tonight, but you knew that was due to your nerves.
"He grew up so fast. Before I went on vacation he was pining over her, now he's kissing her in public" Scott teased Bucky.
"I'm allowed, she's my girlfriend" Bucky gave a proud smile.
"That's new" Tony's eyebrows shot up. "I can't say I'm surprised. She had a crush on him for a long time too" Tony shrugged and you blushed.
"Are you feeling better now?" Steve asked a little timidly.
"I'm a little better" you looked down at your food, trying not to think about the danger the team would be in shortly. Bucky finished his meal, and looked at Sam who had also finished.
"You two should go suit up" Tony frowned a bit seeing you look up quickly. He knew you worried about them. "We will keep sunshine occupied until you're back"
"I'll be right back, doll" Bucky stood up and put his dishes in the kitchen, quickly followed by Sam. The pair of them disappeared upstairs, and you finished your meal.
"We are going to play it by the book." Clint looked at you, giving a reassuring smile. "Or at least as close as we can to it" he added with a sly smile.
"I just want all of you to come back in one piece" you frowned, not feeling that reassured.
"How about we watch a movie tonight in the living room?" Happy suggested.
"Let's leave that for tomorrow, I think I'd like to take a bath tonight" you shook your head.
"We will hold you to it" Pepper smiled at you. You looked at her and saw she was holding Tony's hand tightly, and you knew you were not the only one that was worried.

When Bucky and Sam came back in, they were fully geared up. Tony stood up, as did the rest of the team.
"Okay, do you remember the code phrase?" Tony asked you as he started to walk out.
"I do" you nodded, and felt Bucky pull slightly on your hand. You gave his hand a tight squeeze, but let go and gave each team member a hug before they made their way out. Tony spent more time than usual just holding Pepper and whispering to her. Since you had come along, you hadn't sent him on many missions and she was used to him being in the lab. WIth the exception of Siberia, of course. Happy gave both Pietro and Peter a hug before the boys came to you for the same thing.
"Stay in the compound" Nat whispered to you.
"Stay safe," you whispered back.
"Alright, I'll let Tinman get the last hug" Sam came over and encircled you in a tight embrace. "Don't forget to bring your mace with you to the panic room while you are working. Keep the cats with you. Text me, even though I wont get it until the signal jammers are down. I want you safe" Sam gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"I'll be safe, Sam. You're the one that's about to be in danger" you reminded him.
"With the way you have it planned out, I doubt we will be in much danger sexy legs" he teased and pulled away. Bucky took a few steps towards you, closing the distance between you both.
"I'll come home to you" he whispered in your ear while holding you close, and rubbing his hands up and down your back. "Go to Pepper and Happy if you need help with your panic attacks, okay?" he kissed your cheek.
"Just be safe" you nuzzled your face into his neck, and he squeezed you a little tighter in response.
"You were telling the truth about remembering the phrase right?" he asked softly.
"Of course" you nodded. "It's a very Tony thing to say '' you giggled a little.
"Make sure you text me too" he pulled back and brought his hands up to cup your cheeks. "Every day" he added.
"Text me and let me know you are safe" you bit a little at your bottom lip. "Will we go on a date after you get back?"
"Saturday, just you and me" he confirmed. "We are going to the outdoor botanical garden. I already bought the tickets" he grinned.
"I do believe this is the first time you've told me ahead of time besides the ice cream" you squealed a little in excitement.
"I need to give you something to look forward to" he chuckled.
"I'm already looking forward to you being home, safe and sound" you smiled as he leaned in. He brushed his lips against yours softly, before lowering his hands so one was in the small of your back and one between your shoulders and he dipped you backwards. He quickly tilted his face slightly and his lips coaxed yours to open. You felt his tongue plunge in, and start to dance with yours in a fight for dominance in the kiss. You could feel his reassurance with the way he moved his body against yours, and in the way he was kissing you. You broke apart, just barely, breathing in the same air before he resumed kissing you. You felt butterflies fluttering inside of you, and you wondered if it would always feel like magic every time he kissed you. You ran your hands through his hair, and pulled him impossibly closer and he moaned softly against your lips. You could feel him straining against his tactical pants, pressing against you. You gave a soft sigh as you both broke for air again. He looked at you with hooded, lustful eyes before he gave his flirty smile you so looked forward to.
"I'm coming back for another one of those" he gave you a chaste kiss on the lips, putting you back on your feet. You picked up your right foot gingerly, not wanting to put too much weight onto it. "Be careful, okay?" he asked, taking a step back.
"Go, before I kiss you again" you warned him.
"Maybe I want you to" he licked his lips.
"You'll be late" you reminded him.
"Yes mam'" he chuckled. "I'll be back, I'll take care of Sam for ya"
"That's progress, you just called him Sam" you giggled.
"Don't tell him, it will go to his head" he grinned and turned, walking quickly to the back tarmac where the jet was already waiting along with the rest of the team.

You waited until the team was completely gone, and saw that Pepper and Happy both went to their own rooms to retire for the evening. You limped back towards the stairs and struggled up them, heading to your suite. When you got there Alpine and Aurora were both laying across your couch together, purring loudly. You saw everything really was put away, just like Sam said it would be. You took out your phone and checked the jet's coordinates to make sure they were on their way. You toggled the screen over to see that Friday was still working as it should. You headed to your closet and got completely undressed before heading towards the bathroom for a much needed bath.
You turned on the water, and put in the bubble bath before walking out and making sure the suite door was completely closed, you grabbed a book and a bottle of water before going back to the bathroom. You slid into the tub, your music playing softly from your cell phone beside you, and the melody filling the room. You leaned back and started to read. Alpine and Aurora came into the room and curled up on your bathmat. You put your book to the side for a moment to pet them both, and you tried not to think about the team too much. This was the plan. They had to leave tonight, so they would be there once staffing was at its lowest in the morning. You just hoped they stuck to the plan, and that the plan didn't go to shit.  

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