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Tony didn't know how he missed it. He had been reviewing your data for weeks, while allowing Friday to continue running its data scans and your protocols in the background. All the signs were pointing to one of the major bases, as Vision had pointed out. They had beefed up security on the three other major bases they had in North America, but one in particular that you had labeled the experiment's base had tripled the security and the intel leaks pointed out a human experiment had been started. Anger gnawed at him, he knew deep in his gut that's exactly where they were keeping you. He used your programs that you had designed to start infiltrating the base's activity and get more information. He also used Friday to start creating a mission docket, and told everyone who was bringing in the entire team for this one. He knew you would approve. Bruce readily agreed to come as the Hulk again. The only issue they had to deal with now was timing.

It was the three week mark. You had been paying attention, and even with the missed time, you knew it was three weeks at least. The doctor continued to do his experiments, and you would try to fight back but now they were careful not to harm you unless you fought too much. The doctor would continue to eat the food before you would take a bite, same with water. You memorized his face, and knew the moment you would get out, he would pay dearly for using you as a guinea pig. You knew he was trying to get you to trust him, and he would casually ask questions about the team but you refused to answer. Most of the time you didn't speak at all. Brock Rumlow seemed to smile every time he saw you eat with the doctor. You were starting to get stronger. Today they made mention of training you to work as a Hydra agent. You shook your head, you had no intention of training with them. You were given your one meal of the day, and you ate silently.
"How about it? Are you looking forward to our experiment today?" the doctor asked with a joyous expression.
"I don't want you to touch me" you shook your head.
"We are being good to you. We are treating your wounds, we are feeding you..." he drifted off.
"You kidnapped me, and you are trying to get information I am not going to disclose" you shook your head.
"That's too bad. I'll have to try a stronger treatment. You'll eventually give in" the doctor shrugged, talking about torturing you as though it was common practice. "Brock will be helping today"
You nearly dropped your fork, knowing Brock liked to use his knife on you. You continued to eat in silence.
"You could just tell us some information on the Hulk. How did he get his ability?" the doctor leaned forward as you finished your food.
"Go to Hell" you annunciated your words clearly. Brock grabbed you out of the chair, and squeezed on your arm forcing the wounds to reopen and blood seeped out onto the gauze. You felt the warm liquid spread across your arm.
"It's the table for you today, I have a few ideas for you" Brock spoke gleefully.
"No!" you yelped as he pulled you out of the room. You wanted to vomit up what little food you had in your stomach. You were terrified. The table could mean several things. They had tried electric shock on you already, with no results. You still wouldn't give them any information on the team. "The team is coming for me, you'll regret this!" you screamed as Brock pulled you towards another room. You tried pulling back, but you were weak as it was, and in a lot of pain.
He pulled you to the table and pushed you forcefully from the back of your head causing your forehead to hit the corner of the long metal slab. Two soldiers came over towards your sickly body, placing you harshly on the table and strapping your down with the metal cuffs on all four corners of the table. You could feel the warm liquid dripping down your forehead onto your eyelid. Upon feeling the blood make contact with your lashes you shut your eye tightly while eyeing Brock with the other as he approached a small table. He took out his knife that laid inside a leather case, flashing it dramatically around in the dull light of the gloomy room. You took a quick intake of air trying to prepare yourself for another day of intense and mentally draining torture.
"You see,  the longer you fight the longer the wounds take to heal," Brock said as he circled the table like a wolf hunting its prey.  He slowly dragged the knife pressing lightly against the skin of your neck moving it higher to trace the line of blood that ran up to your forehead. He menacingly dug in the tip of his knife, and a bead of blood came out of the small wound and started to slide down the skin of your neck.
"You wanna try talking today." He demanded placing the tip of the knife back under your chin to direct your attention to his face that was leaning down to look at your face.
"Go. To. Hell," you gritted your teeth at the stinging caused by the knife before spitting in his face.
Brock laughed lowly while wiping your saliva from his face. "You're going to regret that. Like everything else." He said stabbing his knife down between the webbing of your thumb and index finger.
"Maybe we've been treating you too well. Have we been treating her too well?" Brock said, twisting the knife into your hand while looking over his shoulder at the soldiers behind him.
Brock didn't wait for a reply before turning his knife and slamming the metal handle forcefully into the first knuckle of your index finger. The sound of the bone shattering would forever be engraved in your memories.
You let out a loud yelp at the contact before he walked to the other side of the table and repeated the action once again. "Gotta keep it even. Don't want one side feeling left out." He said wickedly.|
The torture went on for hours or what felt like hours until everything faded to a dark void.

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