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Bucky met you out on the balcony dressed in his black plaid pajama pants, and a white t-shirt. You hummed, knowing exactly how he looked under that t-shirt now, and remembered how well defined his muscles felt beneath your hands. He sat down on the swing while you left the door open for the cats if they wanted to come out, and you went over and sat directly on his lap. He quickly secured his arms around you, and you both pulled out your respective books. Bucky's eyes kept falling to your book to read over your shoulder. You couldn't help but giggle a bit, since he seemed to be getting invested in the story. He finally just put his book to the side and read over your shoulder.
"Hang on, he's branding her with his teeth?" he asked a little incredulously.
"It's a mating mark, he's making sure other werewolves know that they are mated" you shook your head.
"Kind of like the hickey's I leave on you" he chuckled.
"Basically" you rolled your eyes. "You should have read the explanation in the last chapter"
"I must have missed it" he hummed, continuing to read over your shoulder.
"She wants him to," you quickly explained. "She is desperately in love with him"
"Do you like it when I leave love bites on you?" Bucky seemed to be second guessing himself.
"Of course, I love it" you graced him with a smile. "I only cover it with makeup to keep Doctor Sloan from asking too many questions"
"He can ask all the questions he wants, you're my girl" he kissed your cheek.
"Damn right I'm your girl" you leaned into him more. He grinned to himself and nuzzled into your neck. You both went back to your book while the sun continued to set, the light from the bedroom was keeping the balcony lit.
"I like this scene" he chuckled from behind you as you got to a spicy scene. You flushed a bit, and gave a small giggle. "I should be taking notes" he whispered in the shell of your ear as you felt heat going to your core. You had a feeling he could feel it through his thin pajama pants. You closed the book realizing he could feel the effect the book was having on you and you gave him a soft kiss on the lips. He gave a soft hum, and held you close for a moment.
"Come on, let's go to bed" you slipped off of his lap. He nodded and stood up quickly behind you, and followed you into the bedroom.
"I should go get Loki to do his spell" Bucky stopped just inside the doorframe.
"I have to get used to it anyways, Bucky" you sighed, pulling back the blankets and the two cats who were slumbering on the bed meowed and moved to the other side of the plushies.
"One nightmare is enough for one day," Bucky shook his head. "I'll be right back," he promised and he left the room. You slipped under the covers and moved into the center of the bed, knowing Bucky liked to be closer to the balcony and bedroom door. Bucky and Loki returned a few minutes later and Loki did a quick spell on the room and gave you an impish smile before he promised to see you in the morning and he left. Bucky quickly slipped into the bed beside you and pulled you close to him. You turned onto your side, while he laid on his back and you laid your head on his chest.

In the morning Bucky woke up first and pulled you in closer and just basked in the morning sun shining through the windows. The two cats were sleeping up on your ribs and hip while you continued to sleep, soft snores escaping your lips. He wanted to commit everything to memory or even write it down in one of his journals so he could make sure he never forgot. He thought about how beautiful you looked, and he couldn't believe you agreed to be his. The amount of love he had for you, he didn't think he was capable of but he enjoyed the feeling immensely. He thought about how you used to always be so grumpy in the morning, but when you woke up with him in the room, you always gave him a smile that never ceased to take his breath away. Admittedly, his body was aching for a good run. He was used to waking up Steve in the morning to go, but hadn't done that in over a month now. As much as he missed doing that, this was far more enjoyable to him. He felt you start to stir and he waited with baited breath for your eyes to finally open. This morning you smiled before you opened your eyes, and he gave a soft chuckle. You nuzzled into his chest and sighed before you opened your eyes.

Cuddle Bug (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now