A little bit of Faith

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Bucky went back upstairs and headed into Sam's suite first at Bucky's insistence. He wanted to make sure that Sam picked out the right outfit. Once they settled on a white button up, and a pair of black slacks with a leather belt, Bucky seemed pleased and left Sam to get ready on his own. He headed back to your shared suite only to walk in on your napping with your book on the floor beside you. He put down the box of chocolates on the walnut coffee table, and grabbed the dark blue throw and put it over you before he went and settled at the table with his journal and started writing in it again. He wanted to document everything he could from the last few days, and how the fight had finally been resolved, and the marriage proposal he had given on a whim. He even documented the visit to the zoo, and the farmers market today, not wanting to miss out on any details if he could help it.
He checked the time on his phone and grimaced, knowing he had to wake you up soon for supper. You looked perfectly content on the couch, and he smirked seeing that your mascara had gotten a bit on your cheeks. He couldn't help but think you looked perfectly adorable. He got up and put his journals away before going into the bathroom to grab your makeup wipes. He came back out and crouched down beside your face and shook your shoulder and you groaned slightly before slowly opening your eyes and you gave him a broad smile.
"When did you get back?" you asked, your voice a little raspy.
"A little over an hour ago, I just wrote in my journal for a bit. Your makeup is smudged, I brought you one of your makeup wipes" he offered it to you. You flushed, taking it and got up quickly to go into the bathroom to take off your makeup properly. He just picked up the book and put it beside the chocolates and waited patiently for you to come back out. When you finally did, he gave a flirty smile seeing you were cleaned of any makeup. "There's my best girl" he chuckled as you walked towards him. "I bought you some chocolates, I thought you might like them for a change" he gestured to the box on the table.
"Bucky, you have me thoroughly spoiled" you cooed, opening the box and taking out one of the chocolates and putting it in your mouth. You hummed happily at the flavor, and took out a second one and put it up to his lips. He put his lips around the sweet treat, licking your fingers as he took it in his mouth. He chewed slowly, keeping his eyes on yours, and then swallowed and took your hand and brought it up to his lips and gave your knuckles a soft kiss.
"Our second anniversary, we talked about going to the cabin but if it's not ready, how about we go up to our spot with the ATV and have a picnic? I'll make you something special" he gave his flirty smile.
"I'm happy if I get to spend some time with you, so either way works" you gave a quick smile, loving that he was already planning ahead. "When are we celebrating?" you asked quickly.
"Saturday, so you have a few days to find out about the cabin" he pulled you in close to his body and held you close.
"I'll call tomorrow" you bit your bottom lip, thinking about everything you had to do tomorrow. It was your first day back to work, and you knew there was a lot of data to go over and it needed to be compiled. You couldn't start on mission dockets until you had a very good idea of everything that had been retrieved while you were gone. You also wanted to see if they started their deep websites again, something Tony had made sure you couldn't go digging for before you went back to work.
"Come on, supper is probably on the table by now" he leaned down and gave you a kiss on the forehead.

Supper had been a fairly quiet affair, and Sam's missing presence was noted but Loki told Tony that Sam had a date with a quick smile. You also noticed that Loki kept looking down at his phone and was texting with someone, and you knew instinctively it was Jack. You were happy for Loki who seemed over the moon at the moment. Tony noticed, but didn't say anything, thankfully. Once the meal was over, you followed Bucky and Steve back upstairs to Steve's place where you got comfortable on his couch after retrieving your discarded novel from your suite. Bucky brought over his copy of the Hobbit and let you curl into his side for a change while both of you read, and Steve worked on some new drawings.

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