A Mischievous Morning

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When you woke up Saturday morning, it was a beautiful morning already. You sat up in bed, and noticed that it wasn't as early as you had been waking up all week. You were proud of the fact that you had slept in a bit. You rolled out of bed and ran to the bathroom to use the facilities as well as take a quick shower. You didn't know what time Bucky wanted to leave for the date so you also took a moment to focus on your makeup with light tones, but a bold red lip, before making your way to the closet. You perused your closet, and settled on a pair of black capri jeans, a pink sleeveless blouse, and matching light pink undergarments. You didn't bother with shoes yet, since you didn't know how long until you were leaving, and you loved the feeling of the bare wood floors under your feet. You put your hair back in a braid to complete the look and nodded to yourself in the mirror.

"As usual, this is as good as it's gonna get" you sighed, not feeling the confidence you wish you had. You thought about changing your lipstick for a lip gloss, but the red seemed to scream confidence, which is exactly what you needed. You opened up your phone and checked your email, seeing several blank ones that you just automatically deleted. It took a few minutes to delete them all. You were impressed and figured they must be desperate. You grinned proudly to yourself before putting your phone into your back pocket.
You checked the time on your watch, and saw you had a half an hour still before you had to be at breakfast. You thought about it for a moment before you decided to head downstairs. You didn't meet anyone on your way, but went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of juice and saw the cooks were giving you the stink eye. You politely ignored them, and headed into the lab to look over Friday's results. You saw more data and smiled approvingly. You assisted in emptying another bank account before you heard someone clearing their throat and you looked up to see Tony looking at you with a barely contained smirk.
"Weekends are off limits" he crossed his arms.
"I had a little time before breakfast" you pouted slightly, finishing your task, and moving away from your workstation.

"I'll look the other way for now, anything new?" he asked expectantly, coming over to look at your computer.
"More data, I'll be busy next week reviewing it all, along with what you bring back from the main base. You'll need to bring extra external hard drives to copy over the data before you destroy all their computers" you folded your hands in your lap.
"It's the virus, isn't it?" he looked at you curiously.
"Yes, and don't forget not to have any of our equipment attached when you upload it. It's going to crash all of their main servers. That's just the fail safe, I would appreciate it if there was a bit of hulk smashing in there too so they really can't recover the broken pieces" you spoke slowly and thoughtfully.
"You remember what the safe word is, in case someone breaks in, right?" Tony asked softly, looking a little more worried than usual.
"Yes, but I'm not going to say it" you shook your head.
"Well, it would make for an interesting morning," he chuckled in response. "If anything happens, I wont know about it until the signal blockers are down"
"I know that Tony, but I highly doubt anything is going to happen" you shrugged. "I am going to put my laptop in there, and make sure the cats are comfortable on the couch in there during the day, just in case. Steve reminded me that we send out recon teams all the time, and I know Shield does too. I've seen Hydra as well, so I'd rather be safe than sorry" you frowned a bit.
"Why don't you go spend the week at your cabin?" Tony bit a little at his bottom lip. "Or one of my other houses. They have the same security protocols at the mansions. I was going to ask Pepper and Happy to do the same, just lock the compound up for the week"
"Since I opened that email, they would have a hit on my cabin. How did you know about that anyways?" you quirked an eyebrow.
"I like to know what goes on," he shrugged innocently, but had the good sense to look away for a moment. "The architect has come up with plans that you like yet? I saw in your emails you turned a lot of them down"
"Actually, last night, I saw one I liked. They would be adding a second floor though, so they have to up the structural integrity. But they are keeping the cabin feel to it, which I appreciate. I'm thinking about approving it, just so I finally have my house done" you admitted softly.
"I'd like to put in the security system once its done, that way if you decide to go away on the weekends I know you are safe" Tony spoke with confidence, not fully asking.
"If it would make you feel better, then yes please" you nodded in agreement.
"Good, now let's get to breakfast before everyone beats us there" Tony clapped his hands and you stood up quickly and followed him out of the lab. "You look nice today" he commented as you both walked.
"Thank you, I have a date today" you positively beamed.

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