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"I've got the record player ready" Steve announced as you came into the room, and Bucky took your hand and led you towards Steve's loveseat. Steve went to the record player and turned on some music and sighed happily to himself. He had his drawing supplies already set up with his big comfy chair, and he turned to it excitedly. He checked that the door was still open for Sam when he got back from his date, and for Loki for when he was ready. Aurora and Alpine came into the room and jumped up on the long couch while Bucky sat down and got comfortable. You sat down beside him, but Bucky had other plans, and grabbed you by the hips and lifted you onto his lap. You giggled and nuzzled into him, opening your book for both of you to read. Steve sat down and got started on his drawing again for your room.
"This one is starting out interesting" Bucky chuckled when the first chapter was about a one night stand. "I'm getting idea's already" he whispered into the cusp of your ear.
"Bucky" you blushed and looked at him lovingly.
"Are you at least spending the night in Y/N's old suite?" Steve asked quickly, not mincing words.
"We could" Bucky seemed to think about it for a moment. "I mean, I'd have to go pack some clothes" he thought about it for a few minutes.
"You only need enough for the night, we can concentrate on laundry and bringing over more of your stuff tomorrow" you gave him a kiss on the cheek and he nodded.
"Alright, tonight we will go to your old suite" Bucky gave you a smile and Steve breathed a sigh of relief as Loki came in.
"What are we talking about?" Loki asked as he took a seat on the long couch.
"That I'm going to get a full night's sleep" Steve smirked.
"Ah, so you two are going to the old suite for now?" Loki seemed pleased at the notion.
"Just until our suite is soundproofed" Bucky nodded.
"I'll make my way there once we are done for the evening" Loki took out his book and started reading. You went back to your book and read slowly with Bucky reading over your shoulder. His gaze going to Steve's drawing every once in a while to monitor his progress. He was adding hints of color to the page now, which was really making it pop. Your eyes followed his gaze and you smiled softly to yourself thinking it would look perfect in the living room.
"Are you excited for the farmer's market?" Loki asked after a while of just listening to music.
"I am, I think I'm ready to get outside again" you gave a contented sigh.
"We will be with you, just in case" Steve reminded you.
"I was thinking tomorrow we would go for a drive on the ATV up to our spot again" Bucky whispered in your ear.
"After laundry?" you asked softly.
"We can do it after laundry, yes" he nodded. "But I was hoping to make a day of it" he added, a hopeful look in his eye.
"We can do laundry after the farmers market on Sunday, I suppose" you gave in.
"Good, it's a date" he gave you a loud kiss on the cheek and you giggled.
"I like your dates, you are always creative" you hummed happily as he held you a little tighter.
"Tomorrow is about getting you to relax, you worked hard this week" he kissed the side of your neck. You found yourself loving how affectionate he was towards you. You nuzzled in a little tighter and turned your attention back to the book.

You had been sitting for quite a while, and made it halfway through the book when you finally put it down. Bucky looked at you curiously and you just gave him a kiss on his stubbled jaw.
"Are you ready for bed?" Bucky whispered to you.
"Sam isn't back yet" you pouted. "I wanted to know how his date went"
"If it's lasting this long, it's going very well" Loki chuckled to himself. "I'll go put the spell on your quarters" he rose to his feet, and made a hasty exit.
"That drawing is looking finished" you saw Steve was just about done.
"Not quite," Steve shook his head. "It needs a few more touches"
"It looks great, punk," Bucky smiled at him. "I can't wait to put it up in our room"
"I still have a week to finish it now" Steve grinned.
"And then we will be decorating our new suite next weekend" you sighed happily. "I can't wait to put pictures up on the walls, and put my water globes out again"
"We should get a few of the pictures from our dates put up" he kissed your temple affectionately.
"We need more bookshelves," you hummed to yourself.
"We will bring over some of the ones from your old suite, as many as you need" Steve promised.
"That should do it" Loki came back a few minutes later. "I have to admit, the spell might not last much longer"
"That's okay Loki, you don't have to keep doing it" you gave a soft smile. "I need to face the nightmares sometime"
"Not today though, darling kitten" he shook his head. You slipped off Bucky's lap and went over to hug Loki who paused for a moment before hugging you back. "Alright you little minx, off to bed with you" he pulled back. Bucky grabbed your discarded book and nodded to Steve.
"Thank you for having us Steve" you went over and gave him a quick hug that he flushed a bit for. You backed away, and followed Bucky out of Steve's room. He stopped at his suite for a moment and walked in, and you followed. He went to the closet to grab some fresh clothes for tomorrow, while you gave Aurora and Alpine a few scratches behind the ears and a couple of treats.
"Are we bringing the cats?" you asked Bucky as he came back out.
"Nah, they look comfortable," he shook his head. "We will start moving them over tomorrow" he promised, and you nodded to him. He took your hand and pulled you out of the suite and you headed to your old one.

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