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After Bucky washed you up and even shampooed and conditioned your hair, seeming to be taking his aftercare to the next level this time. He quickly did the same for himself, and you admired his body glistening in soap. Once he was done showering, he quickly exited and grabbed a towel, haphazardly putting it around his hips before he dried you off completely. He went to the bedroom to grab you another pair of your period panties and one of his t-shirts to wear. He politely left so you could put on a new pad and use the bathroom, and he got dressed in the bedroom. You cleaned everything up and came out in just your panties and his shirt and he grinned like he had just won first prize. He stood in just a pair of sweatpants and tapped the bed. You nodded and walked over and laid down in the center and he scooted in beside you. You automatically curled up to him and he pulled you in closely. You slowly started to get lulled to sleep to the sound of his rhythmic breathing, knowing you had to get up soon to go to supper, but that the moment you couldn't care less.

You woke up to Bucky peppering kisses over your cheeks and smiled instantly. He grinned down at you victoriously and pulled you up to give you a lingering kiss on the lips.
"We are a little late for supper" he warned you. "I dozed off," he admitted a little sheepishly.
"I'd better go get changed" you frowned a little.
"Just put on a pair of your sweatpants, we will come right back upstairs" Bucky promised.
"I should put on a bra" you frowned again.
"The only one looking at those remarkable pairs of breasts is me. And if I catch anyone else looking, there will be hell ta pay" he got up and went into the closet, bringing you out a pair of black sweatpants. "Besides, you need to be comfortable" he winked at you and handed you the sweatpants. You wriggled out of bed and put them on, while he went back in to grab a muscle shirt and just put it in quickly. When he came back out he reached for your hand, and led you out of the suite. The two cats quickly followed after you both.
"I feel like we are more than a little late" you gulped, feeling a little anxious.
"Not that bad, don't worry about it doll" he reassured you. He turned after he hit the bottom step and bent down, picking you up like a bride causing you to laugh and he grinned to himself. He took hurried steps towards the dining room and when he got close, you saw you both were the last ones to arrive. Tony pointedly looked at his watch and raised his eyebrows.
"Sorry we are late," Bucky said, setting you down and honestly not sounding sorry at all. Steve, who was already eating, passed down the platter to you and Bucky to serve yourselves. Bucky just took it and piled both your plates before handing it back to Steve.
"I already got my report from Loki and Steve, but I wanted to know how today went," Tony asked as soon as you started digging into your food. "Any issues?"
"Most people were just worried I hadn't been around for a while. There didn't seem to be anyone with any malicious intent. My anxiety wasn't too bad, so my powers didn't come out" you answered after giving it some serious thought.
"Doctor Sloan wants you to ease back into your old life again, it's good that it went well. I still don't want you leaving the compound on your own" Tony took this in stride.
"I'm not ready for that" you shook your head. "Although, I would like to see the zoo before they close it for the season"
"We can do that this weekend, Cuddle bug," Sam promised. "Just a few hours out" he added, looking at Tony who gave a soft nod. Sam then looked at Steve who seemed to be thinking about it more.
"I'm coming" he finally decided.
"I should like to come as well, it sounds like a crowded place" Thor spoke up.
"We will have to take two cars then, I'm not leaving my charge" Loki shook his head.
"I'm game, we need to get out more" Nat immediately added herself and Bruce to the mix.
"Have you decided on where to go for vacation?" Tony brought that subject up again.
"This has been enough of a vacation, I'm looking forward to getting back to work to be honest" you shook your head.
"What's the timeline look like for her going back to work?" Sam asked, a little worried.
"Within the next few weeks" Steve answered for Tony. You nodded to yourself, suddenly not feeling very hungry, realizing that Bucky would be on your mission rotations. "We thought about asking for the missions to start out small, and only a few a week, and we will work our way up again"
"We will be fine" Wanda whispered to you. "We are worried about you instead"
"Maybe we can go over some more self defense moves" Loki offered. You nodded, keeping your head down and picking at your food.
"Are your cramps coming back?" Bucky whispered to you, and you flushed thinking about how he took care of them last time.
"No, I'm okay" you started eating again.
"Did you take any Tylenol?" Sam asked softly.
"I'll take some when I go back upstairs" you answered after a moment.
"Did you want some peppermint tea?" Nat offered quickly.
"No, I have some" you blushed, realizing most people at the table knew you were on your period. "Thank you," you added softly.

After supper, you headed back upstairs with Bucky and he went back to your shared suite to grab a few more things for the week while you rested on the couch. You checked your amazon orders and saw some of the books you had ordered were scheduled to be delivered tomorrow, and you sighed happily, but wondered anxiously if there would be enough room for all your books now. Bucky was in and out of the suite bringing stuff over, just odds and ends. He brought in his photographs and put them beside your snow globes, and then he brought the cat treats, the tea and hot chocolate etc. You watched him curiously as he seemed to be keeping himself busy. You were laid across the long couch with a book in your hands and you were half reading, half watching Bucky while the two cats laid on the chair together. Based on Aurora's size, there were definitely kittens on the way.
Bucky finally came into the room and sat under your feet, looking at one of his new books, but not really reading it.
"What is it?" you asked, with one raised eyebrow.
"What if you took the vacation?" he asked, looking at you a bit hopefully. "I'm not ready for you to be back to work"
"It's either me, or Friday making your mission dockets. But either way, we have to go back to work Bucky" you reminded him.
"I can deal with Friday making them, as long as you are safe" he huffed slightly.
"I am safe, and I will be safer this time around. Tony has upgraded everyone's software, and honestly I won't be making any more rookie mistakes. I'm excited about going back to work" you frowned slightly.
"They know what you look like now," he reminded you.
"And they know what you look like, but that doesn't stop you from doing your job" you shook your head.
"I just think you should take the vacation and not hurry back" he grumbled.
"Bucky, this is the opposite of hurrying back. I've been taking my sweet time, and I'm going stir crazy. This is the longest I haven't been working since I got my first job at Shield" you took your feet off of his lap, looking at him a little take aback. You couldn't believe that you were arguing about this.
"I don't want you going back. Why don't you just let me work and I'll take care of you" he looked at you pleadingly.
"Bucky, come on. I've worked way too hard to prove myself, just to take a step back because of a little hiccup" you shook your head, and stood up, feeling the lights starting to flicker.

"It wasn't a hiccup. They took you from me" he stood up, looking like he was about to lose his temper. "I looked for you, for weeks. The whole team did. What if they try again?"
"What if they do? You don't think there's more security protocols in place?" you demanded. "I'll be careful," you added, a little more softly.
"I don't want you going back" he shook his head.
"It's a good thing it's not up to you" you glared at him.
"It should be," he growled.
"Why, because you're the man of the house?!" you raised your voice.
"You're damn right I am, and you're mine to protect" he spat.
"Do you think I don't worry about you when you are out on those missions?! I protect you the best I can from home. You can't just say stuff like that" you huffed.
"I can take care of myself," he growled.
"Oh you bet you can, all you want" you growled back and headed to the bedroom.
"What are you doing?" he demanded.
"I'm going to stay with Sam" you grabbed some clothes for overnight and a few toiletries.
"No, you are staying where I can see you" he raised his voice.
"You need to cool your damn temper. I'm going back to work as soon as I'm cleared, and that's final" you zipped up your bag and he reached out to grab your arm to stop you and you pulled your arm away and stormed out of the room.
"Doll, we are not done talking about this" he said at the open suite door while you pounded on Sam's door.
"No, we are done talking until you think about what you said!" you yelled at him. Sam opened his door looking surprised and you barged past him.
"What's going on?" Sam asked.
"She's being ridiculous," Bucky barked.
"Keep digging that hole soldier, keep thinking that you are right and I am wrong here" you growled at him, and took Sam's door and slammed it. Sam looked at you in surprise and you huffed.
"You take the bed, I'll take the couch" Sam gestured to his bedroom.

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