Tests and girl talk

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After breakfast you followed Bruce and Tony into the lab, and they both sat you down in your chair at your desk, but pulled it out slightly so they could stand in front of you. Bruce quickly took his blood samples and put them to the side.
"Before I forget..." Tony went to his desk and opened up the drawer, and came back with a new Iron Man t-shirt that was signed, proudly holding it up for you to see. You squealed in excitement and took it when he handed it to you, holding it tightly to your chest. "I had to replace the last one, I made sure it was the same one" he added, seeming proud of himself.
"I think we all thought the same thing" Bruce flushed a bit. "She loves wearing the team t-shirts"
"Falcon yesterday, Loki today, Iron Man tomorrow" you gushed happily before folding the t-shirt and setting it to the side on the desk. "So what kind of tests do you want to do?"
"Well, you ruled out quite a few with your little announcement. Now I'm curious about this electricity ability" Tony grabbed a chair and brought it over and sat down, while Bruce seemed content to stand. "Let me see it" he gestured to the power bar that was beside your desk.
"I don't feel anxious, I'm pretty relaxed," you admitted.
"We don't want to make you anxious," Bruce told you quickly.
"But it's important, right?" you asked, and Bruce hesitated. Tony didn't answer but continued to watch you. You knew the answer for yourself, and they didn't need to answer. You thought about the fight that happened in this room, and you had a flashback of the gunshot and you saw the lights flicker slightly. You held your hand out to the electrical socket on the power bar, and blue energy flickered out and went to your fingers. You held up your hand, and played with the energy as it flickered from one finger to another. You felt it wrap itself around your hand, and found that it was a pleasing, almost tickling sensation as you continued to move your hand around. Bruce and Tony watched almost in awe, while you were mesmerized by it. You had never felt like this before, this kind of power, and it excited you. Tony left for a moment and came back with a device in his hand that looked like a level, but you could see it was some kind of power tool. He held it up to your hand, and jumped back a little as the electricity jolted him slightly.
"Interesting" Tony looked at the device's measurement that came out, and he started typing into his phone. "Friday, you had better be recording this," he called out.
"Always, boss" Friday said back quickly.
"It's almost like kinetic energy" Tony decided, watching your hand again. You were starting to feel tired quickly, and you took a deep breath to relax and it disappeared. "What happened?" he asked.
"It makes me tired," you admitted softly.
"With time and practice, it won't be as bad." Bruce promised as he turned away and took the vials of blood and went to study them in his portion of the lab.
"I doubt I'll be using this purposely" you shook your head, feeling anxiety pick up again.
"You neve know, I mean, look at what happened the last time we left you alone. You said you wouldn't use those self defense moves, but you did" Tony pointed out, and it looked like he immediately regretted saying that out loud. You felt the energy calling to you again as the lights started flickering quickly in the room. "How do you make it stop?" he asked, changing the subject, seeing that you had gone pale again.
"Centering myself" you whispered as the lights continued to flicker.
"Try it" Tony got down on his chair and sat in front of you. "Breathe in slowly, count to three and hold it. Breathe back out" he started coaching you. You followed his instructions, and you thought back to the attack again, and one of the lights shattered. Tony held your gaze and repeated himself, and you slowly calmed down. You took one last shaky breath in, and released it before the lights stopped flickering.
"I'm sorry about the light" you frowned, seeing glass all over the floor. Tony and Bruce both seemed unbothered by it, and Tony texted into his phone and put it back in his jeans pocket.
"Clean up is coming, we aren't quite done with our tests. Why don't you go lay down in the panic room with all of your flowers, and rest a little" Tony suggested. "We need to document our findings," he added gently.
"You really didn't want me to leave that room, did you?" you asked with a small smirk, but standing up.
"No, I really didn't," he shook his head. "Friday monitors down here more than upstairs. It feels safer to have you down here"
"I'm surrounded by gods, super soldiers, world class assassins, and heroes. I don't think I have anything to worry about for now" you clapped him on the shoulder and made your way by tiredly. You had barely worked for ten minutes, but you felt like you had run a marathon. Your body felt energized, but your brain felt tired. You walked into the bedroom in the panic room and saw the bed was already made and waiting for you. You slipped under the blanket and pulled it up close to your chin, laying on your side to watch the door. Your eyes soon closed on their own, and you ended up taking a nap until lunch.

After lunch, Tony and Bruce did a few more tests that seemed to just exhaust you. You had sat beside Bucky and Sam for the meal, and both of them seemed overly worried by the look on your face. Bucky tried to insist you head back up to your room for the afternoon, but you shook your head, because you knew Tony and Bruce had more they wanted to do. You were grateful the panic room still had all of your flowers, it gave you something else to focus on when you were in the room. You ended up needing a few naps today, having gone back to lay down after the afternoon tests, and of course, breaking a few lights again. When you got to supper, you found yourself yawning slightly and Bucky put his hand on your lap under the table, looking at you worriedly. You ate in near silence, just enjoying your food, and the feeling of Bucky's hand on your leg. It was a simple reminder he was there for you.
"Let's go up to your suite and have some hot chocolate," Nat suggested.
"We could do it just us girls" Wanda nodded excitedly.
"I have work tonight, but you girls go ahead" Pepper pouted slightly as you were all finishing your meal.
"Wait, what about us?" Sam asked, gesturing to him and Bucky.
"You can go to your own suite for a while. She's safe with us" Nat brushed him off quickly. "Maybe spend some time with Steve, you both have been ignoring him"
Steve flushed a little when his name was brought up and looked over a look uncomfortably. Nat shrugged at him and he cleared his throat. "Yeah, come on over. We can have a guy's night" Steve finally nodded.
"Will you text me when they are gone?" Bucky looked at you, giving you the puppy eyes.
"Of course" you smiled at him, reaching over and rubbing his shoulder.
"It's my night with her, it should be that she's texting me" Sam grumbled slightly.
"I'll text you both" you sighed, and stood up to go put your dishes in the sink. Nat and Wanda were both close behind you when you saw Loki had changed form to that of a woman again and you gave a slight giggle.
"I'm one of the ladies for the night" Loki announced, and both Nat and Wanda seemed fine with it. "Besides, I need to place my spell on your chambers for the night" she added with a small smirk on her face.
"Come on, let's go!" Wanda wrapped her arm around yours and led you out of the kitchen, back up towards the stairs. You saw everyone was still at the table, and whispered conversation was going back and forth. Nat and Loki followed closely behind you both as you climbed the stairs and headed towards your suite. You felt yourself getting slightly out of breath as you reached the top step, and Wanda let go of your arm long enough to push open your suite door, since it was left open a fraction for the cats. You followed her in, and Natasha went directly to your kitchenette and pulled down four cups and the hot chocolate powder, before she filled the tea kettle with water.
"Grab a seat" Nat told you, making herself at home. The three of you took your seats on the couches, and arm chair. Loki took the arm chair, while you and Wanda took one of the couches together. Wanda wasn't sitting long before she stood back up and hurried into your bathroom, coming out a moment later armed with your hair brush and a few hair ties.
"Sit on the floor" Wanda gestured to the ground, and you quickly scooted off of the couch and sat on the floor. She took the spot directly behind you and she pulled your hair out of its bun and started brushing your hair. You hummed happily, leaning your head back almost into her lap. Nat came over a few minutes later and set down everyone's hot chocolates on the walnut coffee table, before taking a seat on the other end of the couch, watching with a smirk on her face.
"How was your night with Bucky?" Nat asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"It was lovely, we cuddled all night long" you sighed happily.
"That's it?" Loki asked, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.
"Well... we kissed. That was lovely as well" you blushed a bit. "He's a very good kisser," you gushed.
"Finally, the dirty details. Is that as far as you two have gone?" Wanda asked as she started doing a french braid in your hair.
"Pretty much," you nodded.
"Such a shame" Loki tsked.
"Agreed" you sighed slightly. "He's taking it slow with me, which is very sweet"
"He doesn't want to sometimes" Loki said with a bit of a chuckle and you felt your face go red again.
"Neither do I, if I'm going to be honest. A lot has happened though, we can't just jump the gun" you huffed.
"Take all the time you need" Wanda pulled a bit on your hair as she continued braiding it.
"It's not like Sam is really giving either of you a chance either" Nat added with a slight shrug.
"This is true" you acknowledged, thinking back to the steamy makeout session you had with Bucky last night. Both Loki and Wanda gave a slight giggle and you flushed again. "We will get there, eventually" you gave a soft sigh.

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